Brawl rotation until Shadowlands

I expected Blizzard community managers would not communicate this at all. They surprised - added two sentences. Customer care at its best.

My bad then sorry

Let me stroke that beard and we’ll call it even.


Oh dont you dare : ) but seriously tho , really disappointed by this

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If this is true, then it shouldn’t have gone live at all.

Looks like Blizzard’s going for the government mantra ‘take peoples liberties away and at a moments notice and see how they react’
Inb4 ‘it was led by science’ :sweat_smile:

Thats the entire point though. its called COMPuter STOMPing.

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How about boost / let us farm marks of honour / echos in some other quick way for the week?

Not sure if it’s still viable, but at the start of BfA people kill traded like mad in warmode.

We waited for it for half of year - there is no understanding.


I hope my 2k posts of pure positivity on this forums make it clear that I don’t usually react like that and that this is hard for me to post this, but I don’t trust you on that.

Especially, I strongly suspect that you have removed Comp Stomp from the rotation because of the incredibly high amount of Echoes of Ny’Alotha that it would reward to the player at a low effort.

I am very disappointed that this happened. The expansion is almost over. It doesn’t matter if people stock up on their favourite corruption for (almost) free for a few days.

I hope you can recosinder the decision. I was very looking forward to Comp Stomp in order to catch-up on the cloaks of a few alts by grinding echoes.


fun eh? How’s grinding easy content for easy rewards fun?
Players were just abusing this particular brawl, that’s it. And now they’re crying cos they can’t grind out their BotE r3 in 1 day without even trying.

I mean, pvp isles are still there. They’re really easy pvp content and they bring lots of honor.

Remove ashran for the love god please, just delete it… :rofl:

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I swear, this might be the straw that breaks my subscriptions back. Blatant disregard for community feedback and no sense of what their playerbase wants. This does not bode well for Shadowlands moving forward.

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