Breakfast Raiders! (Morning Alliance Raiding Guild)

Good mornin!

:blush: :+1:

Looking for more to progress Mythic SD, come over and say hi!

Some interesting 9.1.5 changes, interested in continuing raiding come say hi!

Pop on over and say hi!

Looking for Mythic Raiders to continue our journey in SoD!


Still recruiting!

Daytime raiding <β€” come this way for morning raids, 3/10M

:coffee: Alliance - Daytime Raiding Guild recruiting
:earth_africa: Ravencrest EU
:alarm_clock: Raid Fri/Mon/Tues - 09:30 - 12:00
:skull_and_crossbones: 3/10M
:o: Open classes - get in touch on our discord!

:coffee: :coffee:

Started Progress on Mythic Garrosh! :smiley:

Let’s go, always on the look for good players!

Actively Progressing on Garrosh mythic! come join us! :smiley: DPS Wanted!

Greetings! We are currently still open on Recruiting DPS & Healers! :smiley: Come have a talk with me on Bnet! MrMax#2149


Aloha, interested in daytime raiding, come help us progress M SoD!

:coffee: :heart_eyes:

Still keeping recruitment rolling for those that are interested in daytime raiding! :kissing_heart:

Pop over and say hi if you are looking to raid mornings!

Open to good players that want to raid Mythic in the mornings!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

heya! :smiley: still looking for a good few souls! :smiley:

Recruitment still open to all quality applicants! Come over and check out our discord and say hi! :star_struck:

Happy vault day! :no_mouth:

Pop over to our discord if you are interested in daytime raiding!

Pass on by to our discord and say hi!

Heya! :smiley: are you a DPS or Healer and can only raid in the Mornings?! then please join our Discord so we can have a chat! :smiley: