Bring back PvP vendors and Resilience OR ilevel increase upon entering combat

There are two things which are absolutely devastating to the PvP in this game. First is that PvP gear isn’t as good as mythic PvE gear and second that the power creep is absolutely insane. The difference in gear is simply too strong, the powercreep destroys every competitive aspect of the game.

Having rated gear which is good doesn’t help most people, in fact it’s just a snowball mechanic.


Just make PvP gear best in PvP and let people chose the gear stats. And make it easy accessible so gameplay matters and not \played. Make gear a choice in stat priority and preference choices like active/passive and defensive/offensive trincket effects.


Adding a “template” stat to PvE and PvP gear might do something.
The stat would suggest the Ilevel with template stats for that Ilevel when used in the other form of gameplay.

2h axe
2260-3476 damage
135 strength
283 stamina
Ilevel 158

Template Ilevel 100
1000-1500 Damage
75 strength
100 stamina

The template will be the same for each piece you obtain in a season.

Probably because pvp stats did fine with making a difference between pvp and pve players. But if you were beginning to do pvp on a new character you were just absolute useless unless you were healing. You basicly had to leech to be able to get pvp gear to actually do something against enemy players. and people leeching is not fun for anyone

I’d rather see vendors back with a proper gearing system instead of pvp stats

You are right, most people here are PvE players and don’t care about what a minority thinks when there is a section for them

Also, every time a PvP player makes a post they always whines witch is only annoying if there where more posts


As a result in bgs we have well geared players who don’t do s**t.
Not following objectives, not helping the team, lacking basic pvp knowledge but refusing to learn (“why should I, I am only here for lols until my M+ or raid starts”).

As a result the quality of bg drops immensely. The players who are primarily pvp stop queueing. PvP turns into Darkmoon carousel - Wee!

If Blizzard wanted to get rid of pvp players and remake bgs as a lol activity for pve players, they really succeeded.


Sadly pvp vendors won’t come back.
We will be forced to spam PvE :frowning:

That’s what people have been saying for titanforging in threads where there were gigantic uproars. I’m just telling you that if people start clogging every single forum with a thread about pvp gearing/pvp stat in the end they will get too pressured and succumb like they did with the removal of titanforging.

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yes of course, it’s again something they made more “accessable” but ended up completely screwing those people who enjoyed it up until that point, like professions, like the whole Idea behind class design since WoD launch and in many more cases.

also not only did the quality drop because of PvE players it also did because of collectors, because that’s the only reason many people still queue for bg’s, to get the honor rank up for those cosmetic rewards/titles and they are usually even worse than your average mythic plus andy.

the point is there is no reason to do random bg’s at all for a half decent PvP player with a average sized brain.

at least back in the day it was fun for those people to just take a dump on other people because they were bad/had no gear, but nowadays you are protected from these things as a bad player.


My sub is on hold and currently ran out, one of my favourite things about this game since Wod used to be logging in and do a random bg.

As of now it feels like either my gear is not good enough I get stomped or my gear is good enough but my teammates aren’t I get stomped.


Let’s make more threads and change that.

I have made a thread in the battleground forum on an alt before.

It just falls on deaf ears. I will be keeping an eye out for the changes to pvp in shadowlands.


To be honest I just think that resilience would fix everything.

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Or any form to get gear relevant for just pvp, so more people can get involved. I 1 min ques man.
I guess they are still like 5 mins for alliance

Then make another, and another and another.

It is one separate game-play aspect that is on discussion here. PvP should be fun, rewarding and all tht on its own, not just 2nd violin to PVE.

PvPrs shouldn’t need to do M+ to do BGs, or whatnot.


It classes as spam I think.

Their have been plenty made though, in the period of this expansions from pvp elites and pvp casuals pov.

I mean that discussion should be kept up all the time. Blizzard cannot believe that PvP is fine now - if casual and elite alike look amused and not in positive way. In past you have had either casual complain, or elite complain, but when you have both camps speak same language, then there must be something to it.

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How have you found pvp this expansion?

Me, found ? None. My all 125 honour levels of this account and 40 on other come form Legion. :crazy_face:

BfA PvP and I do not sync well. Maybe 9.0 be better.


Battlegrounds used to be my main way of getting gear, especially since back then I lived on a PvP server and PvP gear was quite essential.

I’ve never been a big fan of raids, and dungoens I like to take in small doses. But BGs I love to farm.

But I haven’t touched a BG since Warlords because there are no PvP Vendors anymore? Like… why bother?

God I hope they bring back PvP Vendors, but I’m torn on resilience (highly doubt they would bring that back anyway because of the cries in the past about it). Also I want my PvP sets with unique equip traits suited for PvP.