I’m still picturing all of the ‘Classic’ players sitting in their garrisons during ‘WoD Classic’, farming Azurite in BFA Classic, and running Torghast in Shadowlands Classic.
That’s gonna be fun to see. At the very least they’ll be forced to log in every single day so as not to fall behind and lose progress with their umpteen billion dailies.
No worries one day someone would play World of Warcraft: the last Titan Classic remastered++ while we would sleep in elderly care house after killing one durotar boar per day.
If i was blizzard i would keep one expansion specific server up
like class/TBC / WOTLK/CATA/ MOP
and keep there
if that server is full and there is que time i would charge you so you can skip the line
milking you even more
Since I don’t agree that is a false statement. For me wrath was overrated and the only thing that was good about it was the story. I prefer Cata over WOTLK. But my favourite was MOP. But that’s just me and it ain’t “objectively” true
I agree Wrath was seriously overrated but so far for me, tier 11 in Cata was probably the worst set of raids in Classic. Firelands might be worse with some doozy boss fights.
May I ask why? Im not a big pve enjoyer myself, but cata pve is a nice middle ground between braindead tank & spank in vanilla, tbc and wotlk and retail mythic, where you need 100 addons and weakauras to succeed
people will be back for MOP 100%
but i honestly dont get what is so appealing in wrath to peope?
to me it was mainly nostalgia as it was a cool expansion to play for the first time 10 years ago, expansion that brought many new things like achievments and improved some classes in gameplay…but forever farming ICC? come on…arenas and bgs wise cata is way more fun and balanced…design of evertyhing , PVE, world pvp wise TBC is way better. Why people want to forever farm lich king? To afk in dalaran with 1000 other invincibles ? I just dont get it…
Already forgotten how dead wotlk servers were by the end of the expansion? People were sick and tired of it and just waited for something new… It’s not as popular as you want to believe it is.