British Player Looking for Guild!

Hello Tekips!

I think we might have something up your street! We are a mainly British guild (although with most guilds we have players from everywhere!) and we are very laid back. We now have heroic on farm and are actually starting our first steps into Mythic next week, so it’s a great time to join us!

We are in need of ranged DPS as we had a shuffle of roles/classes and are now a little melee heavy. Our main raid night is Wednesday but unfortunately we also raid Monday’s, so that might take us out of the equation for you! Please see some more general information below and if you want to have a chat, give me a shout on Discord!

Check out our recruitment post if you feel like it Timeskip


  • 2 Raids per week Wednesday/Monday 20:00-23:00 Server time.
  • Currently recruiting a variety of classes / specs right now and always open to classes not listed.
  • 8/8HC looking at building our team to venture into mythic.

Rusta (Raid Leader/Officer)
Discord: rustafarian

Good luck with your search either way! :slight_smile: