Bug report: cant assign hand of sacrifice in click casting


first of all I want to express my confusion about the bug reporting system. If I try to report a bug ingame (german client), I’ll get forwarded to the US Bug Report Forum (which doesnt exist in EU), but I cant even post there, since I dont have a level 10 US character. Seems kinda weird.

But the problem I have is another one. I wanted to assign “Hand of Sacrifice” to “Shift-Mouse4” on the new click casting feature. But everytime I save this, the spell is lost again, when I reopen the click casting menu. It wont get saved, while every other spell I tried worked so far. I then tried other bindings with that spell, but Hand of Sacrifice gets always removed again. I just cant bind it. Other spells can bind “Shift-Mouse4”.

A workaround was to bind hand of sacrifice as a /cast macro. That worked.

You can report bugs ingame, though the UI is kinda confusing most people get lost and pick the wrong one.

The US bug report forum exists as an extra feature, the only difference is that people may discuss the bugs (like provide additional information or tell you it’s not a bug).

You can submit a bug report if you follow the instructions to this big Anub’Arak icon.