Build the Ripcord

Its because of RIO and borrowed power systems on top of systems. People are upset because content has become to exlusive to the people that are lets say more prepared, also we now have a way to see other peoples XP due to RIO (and thats a good thing), now the “ultra-casuals” get declined from ~10s regardless of ilvl so we are elitist because we have R3 essenses and are stacking corruptions. All of a sudden if you raid Mythic you are now frowned upon by the forum people because you are a toxic F. However people still dont understand taht PuGing isnt for solo players, the game is designed to be played in guild.

But TLDR: People are less likely getting invited to groups that will carry them so burn the Witches burn them all.


If by all of a sudden, you mean since Mythic became a thing…

Tbf never noticed it before, but never really came to the forums all that much either , however now that i have so much “fun and interesting” things to do in BfA i have found the forums to be a entertaining sitcom.

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Mythic raiders, PvP-ers and such have been toxic as soon as the first comment “well you have not done the content” showed up.

Who is right and who is wrong is not something I wish to discuss, but this dehumanization of other players is nothing new at all.

If you think that “well you havent done the content” is toxic then you clearly have had a good life friend.

Also it is a valid point, when an LFR hero starts saying things like you will be fine in mythic with greens and blues (hyperbolising here, Tahra) or a Battleground Andy telling me you dont need the corect loadout to become a Gladiator, something is talking out of their a^^e.



No, we don’t do that conversation here. It is not what about I think, it is about common perceptions within the forum. The argument “judge my argument, not my face” is present a lot.

It is also a pretty big reason why some people use alter egos, instead of progressive characters when they use the forum, as they want to avoid any sort of witch hunting.

We actaully had something like this in BfA, when warfronts were introduced Horde got the first one so all Horde players had a free Heroic (in cases of TF Mythic) piece of loot, it was a s^^tstorm, granted for a few weeks until the warfronts rotated but atleast this should have given people and especially Blizzard an idea where this RP focused feature that grants player power is headed.

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Damn, that’s a good one. Gotta tell my friends that definition. Some of them are in for a surprise, the “+15 few times a week” types I mean, would never admit to being a sneering toxic elitist, now they get outed :rofl:

Not necessarily in a guild, just a group of about “raid+20% reserve” size. Guilds do get some benefits but nothing you couldn’t do without nowadays. Cataclysm was designed to be played in guild so much, it pretty much penalized you for not having 464518th alt in guild because slower travel speed, less loot, no gold magically generated in GB from your looting etc. Good thing they got rid of most guild perks in WoD.

Yeah, looks like a wild troll appears every few days to provide us with a fresh roast target. Most pleasant.

Indeed. Now bragging and making yourself look a bit better is understandable when you can be invited or rejected to X based on that impression, but come on, if experimenting and using bad loadout on purpose is so grand, how comes that they aren’t a top 1 gladiator yet? It’s all fun and games until someone loses a rated match? :smiley:

Now this in the context of that discussion might be read as more abusive & personally offensive than humorous description of someone’s character that I wrote. You better hope the Wicked Witch has a better sense of humour :smiley:

Holy hog. I’ve actually skipped whole first year of BFA since August 2018, BFA pre-patch screwed my main so much I’ve said f it, not gonna touch this crap, and only went back in 8.2 when at least I could fly, since then I’m on and off using gold-funded tokens when I want to play. Got wind of some things, most of them bad, only confirmed that I’ve made a good decision, but that one I’ve missed.

Don’t care much for the story, crunch > fluff for us toxic elitists, but releasing content with even potentially better rewards to one side 1 week earlier than other… that’s just Horde bias.

Considering that Warfronts are a very time-consuming grind for that one free epic and said epic may or may not be upgrade for you, chances are its impact was not as big as the bonfire people made of it, but it MIGHT reasonably give some people that 1% or so extra oomph to make that +10 or whatever they were struggling with earlier than other people, and it could not be countered in any possible way. BAD DESIGN, that, even not dwelling too much on PvP implications because we all know in BFA PvE gear tends to be better in PvP than PvP gear…

Again that’s putting too much of RPG in MMO. You cannot allow only one faction to stock up on upgrades because the other faction will perceive this as bias, and justly. And again MMO needs the stable player base over a long period of time. You literally show you don’t care for one faction, they’re likely to leave, and then you have a BIG problem of faction balance. On top of all other problems. Like the fact that Mythic raiding is pretty much Horde-exclusive activity because raiding guilds went Horde sometime around WotLK and it snowballed from there.

Idea: Hire a 5 yrs old kid as special advisor to check all these big decisions that ActiBlizz seems to make by throwing darts or other random selection. If the kid can point out why it’s bad, scratch that idea, do something better instead. And yeah that’s basic Evil Overlord List.

Renember when ontop fo timers they tried to make limited attemps/runs a week? alogn with a curency ahd to grind(keys) to enter?

despite whole blizzcon anouncement beign EXACT OPPSITE OF THAT and thats why why people where at all hyped for it

Amazing narration… People are evil because they want to play the game well and actually they are evil because they took better player instead of you to clear the content quicker.

They are evil because they choose good talents and instead of looking at ilvl they go for stats.


Something’s broken in wow community…

Segregation was always a thing. It it’s not gear score, then it’s rio or another form of score.

Playing good should not be seen as a bad thing imo. It’s quite wrong.


But it is by the majority because Blizzard make the narration that only 1-2% care about gear and talents.

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It’s so wrong. I mean Blizzard is quite underestimating that amount…


Tbf Blizzard themselves are pushing this naration. With comments like “we want less people to sim” and “bringing back RPG elements” (just to name the few recent ones) , people really ae buying into this and are thinking that we are trying to ruin the game for them, when in reality “we dont want people to sim” meant we are introduving corruptions so you need to sim even more and once released people will get to see just how much “meaningfull choice” they get with this “RPG element”. Ion has compared covenants to sub-clasess only to move away from that statement a few weeks later when almost every credible youtuber/streamer disprovet that, the he moved to “we want to break meta gaming” by introducing covenant bonuses in dungeons, what Blizzard say is the direct opposite from what they do, and yet people buy into it and blame the people that have seen what will happen and know that hystory will repeat itself. Remember Azerite stacking, remember Essesnses ? I saw multiple treads like “Benched by guild because wrong corruptions” , " Declined from Group cause no Thundering Strike".

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To be fair I agree with the “sim less” idea, I don’t agree with the methodology. Not having to sim items that should be better to determine if they actually are sounds great. Unfortunately they’ve made the game provide by far not enough information i.e. you wouldn’t guess that Mirror Image is 30% worse on your opener compared to Rune of Power not to mention that by the time your Mirror Image is back up you’d have already used 3 runes.

Another part of this problem is the removal of things like defense and hit. Itemization used to be way simpler - you cap your hit, expertise, defense and so on and then you start to think about your other stats and depending on the somewhat limited amount of items available to you combined with your talents, you could determine what secondaries you should go for based on how much of an impact they can potentially have. The only stat that does this now is Haste and it does it in a fairly boring way i.e. I can fit X more casts during my Y CD’s duration. At the end of the day it boils down to breakpoints which I don’t think a lot of players realize - its just “stack haste, mate you’ll be fine” whereas in reality the impact is minimal outside certain breakpoints.

Also a personal huge annoyance is that additive and multiplicative damage are not clearly shown in the tooltips. Case in point being destro mastery/vers. Your spells deal X% increased damage and increases damage done by X% should not be so different based on how they’re phrased.

So TLDR: sim bad but needed due to unclear tooltips.


I dont think anyone is against it, however the point is that when Blizzard say “sim less” they mean sim everything even blues and greens.

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Yeah, “We don’t want you stacking cooldowns” and then Arcane gets 6 GCDs ramp-up time. Suuure, cool story bro! (Yeah, that got reduced to 3 GCDs, but still WTF, in Wrath it used to be 0 if you could write a macro or ctrl c ctrl v)

Same crap, different package, still same crap and the same PR monkey trying to sell it, pretending it’s totally not the old crap. Deeds, not words. Piling up systems on systems on the top of systems will only ever increase the need for sims, because the math gets more complicated instead of less. More cases to crunch numbers for = sims get better.

And there’s no going back. Sims are out there, the guides exist, Wowhead is still alive & kicking. If they want people not to have to rely on sims to determine if a new item is upgrade or not, or what is the best talent build for X, they should relax number checks. Which then would cause sneering elitists to stomp through the content planned to take several months in 1-2 weeks because mythic raiders are used to higher difficulty. They should’ve just given up, it would be less painful. For them.

And ofc that would not fly in PvP at all, because in competitive environment nobody sane will give up their advantages if success depends on their continued use. Only real simplifying the game - big stat squish, removal of all hidden unintuitive BS like scaling AND stopping that power creep with player HP going in millions AGAIN every expansion could help. But that’s not THEIR idea, so not gonna happen :smiley:

This is in big part because 8.0 GCD load of BULL made Haste the god stat for pretty much everyone. Your spells cast slow as molasses? Stack Haste! Your CDs are so long, they have “Long Vehicle” signs? Stack Haste! Things you do have a chance to proc stuff on X PPM? Stack Haste!

There is no easy solution for that except massive stat squish so primary stats get better than secondary at the same “number” budget. Say 100 strength > 100 haste. For this to work players should have kinda less than 20k strength :smiley:

Destruction in general has a problem because Chaos Bolt’s damage is difficult to estimate when extra dmg from crit isn’t shown. You have to hit something with it first to find out how it works, which defeats the entire point of tooltips being updated to show “real damage values” i.e. this spells deals 40k damage and this 50k, because Chaos Bolt is going to hit it for 70k but the tooltip won’t deign to tell you that. Bad when you try to 1shot something or not overkill it too much.

Edit: Forgot to let you guys know there’s yet another thread with You Know What. It’s 3rd time that week, if this spreads, Azeroth is doomed! :rofl:

Tbf i dont think they should go easy on gear/dps checks, but stop putting so much items/talents/systems that read like “you have a chanse to do X” and more like “If you do X you do Y”. Most of the stuff in BfA is proc based and we dont even know the % of said proc activating.

This would be good too. When you get a trinket you should see what exactly it does, how long the proc lasts, what is the chance of it proccing, how long the ICD is. Getting an item and THEN having to look it up on Wowhead is kinda disappointing.

As long as number checks are in game though people will keep finding ways to beat them and sims will be used. This will only stop completely if there is no need for that, so effectively never because SOME soft timer enrages must remain in order for raids not to turn into degenerate tank/healer 2man parties who can kill every boss… in a few hours.

And ffs random procs should not deal more than 10-20% of our output. See the case of DH with Infinite Stars and over 50% of his wicked sick parse was IS. This just feels bad because it’s not your actions causing stuff to happen, it’s RNG.

I can explain this, kinda. See our speels have alot of augments, Chaos bolt especially, firstly our mastery is “Your spells deal 20% more dmg and up to an aditional 20%” making it 20%+ up to 40%, on top of that in our infernal window chaos bolt also increases by 8% for every soulshard that you spend add vision of perfection and it gets pretty chaotic, we also have azerites that further empower it sooo yeah.