Burning Legion (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Hellpatrol, Undead warlock


Varenthin - Undead Male Rogue
Guild: Camorra

Piotrex - Orc Warrior
Guilds: Camorra / Mroczny Legion

Will probably play in Shazzrah, hope to see old virtual faces :slight_smile:

Tjena Smerof. Warcry här. Vi kör en liten AoS-revival tour på Dreadmist. Poppa in och säg hej vid tillfälle!

Hi Goat has started up again as alliance(?!) on Ten Storms. Any old Goats and others are more than welcome for same casual and fun gaming :slight_smile:

Ernesto, Tauren Warrior
Crescent Moon
Playing in Razorgore (Horde) as Snowhoof / Ernesto / Kaijin

Rithos - Undead Warlock
Infernal Affairs / default

Swithed to the dark side (alliance) on Noggenfogger this time around.
Missing my finns and casual sauna breaks mid-raid though.

Qusso Orc ofcourse !
Guild : Excesse <3

“Qusso tanks all!”

GM of Vanilla Vets @ Ashbringer

Verenhimo, orc warrior
Excesse Guild and Draama

Playing now in Gehennas Horde.

Oh damn havent looked up here for a long time sorry. My bnet tag #Lumislav#2266

Hi Verenhomo :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ah, Lumi🤗 Good to see you

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  • (main)Char Names: Deathrow (male)Orc Warrior & Zhaddow (male)Orc Rogue (r11).
  • Guild Names: Street Disciple / Nerfed / Default / No Regrets.

Attempt to Connect with:

  • Hellraizor (male)Orc Warrior. (become friends & lvl’d together)
  • Jessica (female)Orc Warrior/(female)Troll Mage. (become friends & lvl’d together)
  • Bigk (male)Tauren Hunter. (old-school pvp premade leader)
  • Getnaked (male)Orc Rogue. (reason i RR’d rogue from my Warrior) you used to Ride the r11 pvp skeletal warhorse looking silly, but badass as hell with ur male orc >xD

:slight_smile: thx :sweat_smile:

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Mate! it’s Hellrazor!! Just seen this and can’t believe it, almost two decades later! I’m a few years late but add me when you can :smiley:

My ID is: KingBronson#2527