Buy/Sell OG Names

i don’t understand this new forum…

Looking for names on Silvermoon;
Got following names on Scarshield Legion;

Thats the iconic ones I geuss.
If you got anything on Silvermoon, give me a poke @Symbol#21430
Can also trade gold etc.

looking for Gob on Outland

WTS the name John
johnny#2949 my tag

looking for names on Kazzak, any good ones will do
Btag (MrBad#21178)

Add me mate. Arthas#23477

Interested in the name Ashbringer which is taken on Outland. Does someone know the said person? Thank you.

I have some names as well if anyone is interested: Blackeight#2711

Lightbringer - Winter, Key, Ot, Switch
Ragnaros - Dd, Nn, Ho, Mask, Amphitheater
Hellscream - Ot

What is your bnet tag?

I have the names:


Have “Miss” On Kazzak (reply if interested)

1 Like

Selling “Mf” on outland
Selling “Vk” on sylvanas

good price, my discord is Perri#2751 and my btag is Perri#21343

i wont reply on this thread so Discord or Btag msg me

add ELeGanCE#22561

Selling “Mf” on outland
Selling “Bz,Vb,Kd” on sylvanas
Selling VK on Sunstrider

good price, my discord is Perri#2751 and my btag is Perri#21343

i wont reply on this thread so Discord or Btag msg me

Selling Hardcore , Lock and Cutthroat EU Alliance Dun Modr Lmk#7166

Yo add me when you are on.
Battlenet: Darcas #21610

Install (AD)
Caught (AD)
Cleaved (AD)
Flashfreeze (AD)
Vampyr (Kazzak)
Slice (Kazzak)
Mindgames (Kazzak)
Geologi (Kazzak)

At the end, i don’t know what you all guys talking about :confused: