Call out to casual players vs Premades

No idea what the hell you did there but this is how it looks on MY twitch:

How desperate are you, trying to involve me in your weird fantasy bubble?

Edit: AHH nvm I know what this is, you cant even read your own language…This was the one day where Larkus was a sexist towards my gf and I FOLLOWED for literally 5seconds to be able to write in his “stream” and tell him what I think of him, INSTA unfollow afterwards.

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Hahaha, as if!!! Good one xD xD xD
Seriously, how obsessed can you be, making up this kind of stuff, spreading lies around, trying to bait someone.

Do you like to bully? Of course you do, since you sync in casual content. Bullying is for weak people.
But welcome to ignore list and muted list. It’s turning into a list of some weird beings out there. Suggestion: put us also on it, so you can heal from this unhealthy obsession.

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I just indicated the fact of subscription, the reason why you did it is not interesting to me

Ok so you literally tell me you are unable to understand the difference between a requiered FOLLOW to write one negative message in the chat and a subscription? :man_facepalming:

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You will never do this, we know that)))
Your hatred that eats you up is too strong

And now, perhaps, I’ll go play with my friends. Have a nice evening😘

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Just to smash you AGAIN, just right now came another one, one of many cases! :slight_smile:


just now? Do I understand correctly?

Jay, I didn’t confirm or deny anything, this is your sick fantasy again. You are again passing off wishful thinking as reality.

Its already been confirmed by blizzard being silent that queue syncers are allowed to do whatever they want to do. If they want to grief you, if they want to abuse mass report, if they want to destroy this game. They always gives the :+1:. Its so obvious that blizzard LOVES syncing.

If they had ANY care they would have already dealt with it a long time ago.

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dude, u cannot drop names in the forum, its against the rules zomg!!!11

hilarious how i can recognize the names from just 1 letter and the server… ive noticed more and more from those groups have become 1 sole entitit, they all have the same mindset, use the same wording, word x word, i swear its like im talking to a poorly coded ignorant AI, if one day i found out somehow it was the same person with 50 accounts multiboxing, id believe it…