CALLING ALL DRUIDS!☀ - All Druid-Raiding Guild recruiting for Shadowlands!

No plans on Switching.

Tell me something about Shadowsong/Aszune as Alliance.

Independently of that, I am currently also working on the activation of the Kul Tirans.

Was a high populated server in WoD; but as all players move to the same 6-8 servers where all the big Twitch streamers are on. Nothing we can do about that.

It’s one of the largest servers labelled “low” with a 1 to 0.5 Alliance population. 2-3 regular Mythic raiding guilds. Decent group of players.

The very best thing about the server is the community. Every person on the server is super nice, and guilds are very fond of each other too. No server drama (of what I know of)

Either way, our guild is bigger than it’s ever been. So we don’t care really too much about server activity, as we regularly got 20+ people online on their Druids. (When they’re on non-druid alts, they obviously can’t be in the guild too)

We raid twice a week with 30 people, but are considering making another raid night, to accommodates even more people, as our guild is quite big.

But we do expect Blizzard to merge more server together, or do some fixes, as All the Low and High/full populated servers are experiences severe issues on EU, because of sharing and giant server imbalances.

Still. No point moving server. I moved from a dying server to Shadowsong, which back then had the best balanced population between high/low and was one of the biggest servers.

So any server can die out in 2-3 expansions. It all depends on the streamers where they go, and eventually who knows if a Top-Mythic guild will come back here, and a flood of players will come too (I hope not)

90% of all our new members come from other servers, so our guild will grow plenty, no matter what server it’s on :slight_smile: So no chance of the guild dying.

That sounds good.

Especially if you do most of the work within the guild anyway.

Do you take on a German in your ranks?

I would love to be a part of everything.

I’m really up for it!

We got a handful of Germans already in our guild, so you’re much welcome! <3

Cool, then I would like to add you to my friends list and then start working with you as soon as I have unlocked Kul Tiran.

You just let me know when and I’ll be ready. If I’m not online you can just use the in-game recruitment system to find us and apply there. I check applications several times a day.

We’re listed under large raiding guilds.


I was on your server every now and then and had to find out that too few people play there for me. When I see the range of Rank 4 Legendarys in your auction house, that says a lot - I’ll make my Rank 4 Legendary in the upcoming ID if I’m lucky with the mission table. I also checked again and again to see how many of you are online and that was mostly 1 to 10 people.

That’s why I decided against it for the time being.

If you were to play on a server with a lot more going on, there would be no reason to think about it.

The /who does not work properly due to sharding.
During Primetime we’re 20-40 people online and almost always above 10. Unless we’re talking 2-3 am, where it’s probably only 5. We’re expanding to 2 raid teams now, as we’re too many in our raids. (30 ppl+) and we do more than 12+ mythic runs daily with plenty of groups going.

But it’s entirely up to you of course. I understand if you want to be on a more populated server, so do I. :slight_smile: Our server was High populated in the beginning of Legion and that’s how fast things go, when Blizzard doesn’t keep their population in check.

But to say there aren’t many on, is a bit misleading though, as you wouldn’t know the correct number unless you were in the guild. Right now for example, if I do /who Druids of the Beast, only 3 people show up, while 11 people are online (and not on mobile)

But despite our server got smaller, our guild is bigger and more active than ever before. With more than 70+ players being online within the last 24 hours.

I hope you’ll find the guild you’re looking for :slight_smile:

Oh, I didn’t know there was a problem, please excuse me.

I’m just afraid that afterwards I will regret switching to you from the largest German server.

Well, the guild I’m looking for is you.

That’s understandable. You can always just keep an eye out, if Blizzard do more server connections in the future, perhaps we’re among them.

But the guild itself keeps growing and has plenty of activity (at least for my liking :slight_smile:

We’re again open for recruitment.
However still full on Tanks for raiding, however M+ tanks, etc are ofc welcome.

And all socials too!


I am super interested in joining. Is there someone I can speak to ingame? I would need to switch realms and have a few questions if thats alright :slight_smile:

Edit: Spoke to someone ingame and applied on guild finder :slight_smile:

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Good to hear Lunar!
Welcome to the Team <3

Still open for M+ tanks.
Full on Raid Tanks (M+ Tanks can still join in OS)

Current ilvl requirements, 190+ for Monday, 165+ for Wednesday.

Updated progress too.

We got room for a tank for our farm-raids on wednesdays (who also has a competent dps spec for progress raids)

Join now!

We just cleared CN, but are still looking for a good tank with a decent dps spec, and willing to swap between specs on specific raid days if needed.

Still looking for tank/dps specced druid for our Wednesday and Monday raids.

CN is cleared on Normal entirely and on 3/10 HC