Can we get a hard nerf on Sepsis?

wth does double outlaw have to do with assa sepsis?

No, what he is saying is more like “a bank robber who hasnt commited murder should not get arrested for murder”, which is perfectly legit comment.


You don’t get it, i see. All 3 rogue specs are overpowered. Outlaw is broken as hell. Sub is 2nd (sometimes better, situational). Assa is 3d. The fact that it is weaker than 2 other specs doesn’t make it balanced in general, when you compare to other specs.


Could you please show me where he defended it, though?

The whole forum is flooded with his responses. He switched to sarcasm/irony to look smarter, when he refers (always) to AWC/general spec representation in ladder/ simply compares to 2 other broken specs within the class.

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frustration is understandable if you play shaman and you dont have a way to really counter it. But you have mates you rely on.

If the design is stupid is another topic

But its not defending. He is litterly telling what speccs and abilities from rogues are problematic.

go through his posts and give me a single one where he seriousy says that the broken things from the speccs are fine.

i would bet all my gold (poor as fu** anyways) you wont find one. I dont even need to look for myself to say this with comfort.

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yeah nerf rogues to oblivion so we can face engaging gameplay comps like ele/x pveing in a triangle all day long zzzzzz


If you think “let them be op” mentality is working, you are wrong. RMP won’t cleanse the ladder. The ele/x comp will still face other comps and make their life miserable. They wll just lose some CR to RMP elite boys and thats it.

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I’d rather face rmps or setup based comps than pve cleaves, melee or wizzards.


There are many ways to deny facts.
The simple one (and obvious) is to say that something is not true. This method will show others that you are biased.

The other is to blame the other bigger problem than the smaller. It is like S1 ret would say : “divine tall 2-globaling isn’t the worst thing, look at convoke moonkins!” When both things were disgusting.

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“Pve” melee cleaves can be cced, kited.
Double casters can be LoSed.

Rmp? You can’t cc or kite, or do anything when ur healer gets db-sheeped and ur dps gets 100-0 in a kidney 4 drs in a row (1st comustion, 2nd rogue cds, 3d boon + 3 resonators). 4th - combustion is ready. And ur insignia won’t even serve to you, since u can’t even last 2 mins lol.

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I smell bias


I mean some people are hopeless. Last 4 expansions brought him 4 Duelist moments, that is all Assa Rogue’s fault. Nothing else. What can we say !

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but, sepsis is a cd which should be traded with a defensive and you dont die? And if you dont do that you die. if you do, you dont die?

While things like cdr outlaw rogues or the fact how Repremend work with Sub is broken cause the amount of deadly gos you have in a specific period of time or how outlaw just is tankier than any other melee with incerdible amounts of utility with also cdr affected.

Needs a bit of coordination and pre reacting. obviously when your healer is sheeped after breath and you get stunned with your mate in chastise/feared. At this point its too late to react without needing to invest to much defensive cds. Thats why reading the match/game is important

The problem with rmp besides the obvious op thinks isnt that they have poly and kidney and fear. its the things they started to get ontop, specially their tankyness.

nerf the stuff that makes them op, not the core things that makes this comb good and this is what shadenox is pointing at when he is in serious conversation.

also resonator should be gone aswell.

i never in my life played rmp. but i enjoy facing them over like zugzug gameplay melee cleaves with infinite mobility (necrobanner/fury warrior crushing blow charge)/ww monk tiger palm charge(why even brought that back)/dh in general or caster cleaves like ele boomie rsham disruption or triangle pve cleave otherwise called.

Aslong as in a not completly OP state ofc.

I can log in the game, ask my glad rogue friend to spec assa and kill me in a global. And i will die through shield of vengeance and BM trinket used. You just don’t know how it works. My class has an answer - i have 2 immunity effects to counter it. Some don’t.

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You come up with a 1v1 situation? The game isnt just 1v1. Some classes roll over others in 1v1 with easy. you are here in an Arena Forum?

Take like shaman, the easiest target to kill as assa rogue.

playing turbo/thunder with a mw monk.

Revival completly counters it, stormbolt/disarm on kidney and the shaman beeing able to trinket + wall on it.

4 gos you survive it without any problem

Yeah but it seems blizzard is deaf

The Lord himself pvp checked me omg. Now i can die happy.
Would you mind also checking my career in ambulance, resulting in being a senior doctor atm in my department? Or you are busy making thousands of youtube videos and streaming a game with dieing playerbase (pvp part) that gets 1 update per 1/2 of an year, playing the most broken class? I hope you get enough money for living do u can 24/7 watch the forums and defend ur class :slightly_smiling_face:

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The game isn’t a 1v1, yes. This is why his mage will cc the healer/dps and holy priest has chastise and fear too. You don’t just jump off the mount and pop vendetta and sepsis. But it is not that hard to set up.

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