Can we get actual world content?

Maybe i expressed myself poorly, but that’s what i mean/menat with new content. too much effort wasted on throwaway events when they could use that effort to to make something more meaningful and lasting.

we know they can’t make player housing until they update the engine, but they could definitely bring back a revamped brawler’s guild, mage tower etc

Even the quests you do while levelling are content, but many wouldn’t consider them that. What i want, which many seem to agree with, is more meaningful and NEW content in the game. We didn’t need 2 reskins of the legion assaults (time rift and dreamsurges) in the same main patch and only distant 1.5 months from each other.

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The only new thing they added that I like are the time trial races.

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I guess it’s rather forgettable as a patch… which is a shame, considering it’s in the emerald dream. The Druid forms will be nice tho.

As others have mentioned, more things like the brawlers guild would be great. Make them relevant, fun, interesting, like a normal videogame. Like, if I win, I unlock a special room or whatever, just fun for fun’s sake.

I have exactly the same experience. I enjoyed Rifts. And I can’t really be bothered with the Dreamsurges. I did give it a few tries but I dunno…

I think at least a part of it is that it’s all rares this expansion. And more rares. And some more rares. I normally quite enjoy them (I did enjoy Forbidden Reach) but I think it’s been a bit overkill by now? I’m not sure what it is. I’m a bit worried the next patch is… more rares. I’ve decided to hide on alts for a bit and just enjoy Elwynn and Loch Modan :wink:

Secrets was very fun tho! I fully agree. I’d love more events like that.


Nothing in Dragonflight got any part of world content right.


I think there was a bit of fun progression for a bit with the elite areas and some quests and good farm spots in there, and I enjoyed herbing. It was particularly profitable because Dragonriding had sabotaged the bots temporarily.

I liked the Furbolgs where you acquire their language. Too bad the game is so bad at handling language now I can hardly use it, but it was a cool idea nonetheless and fun to acquire.

I like doing the dragonriding races.

I liked getting Otto, although the harpooning was a bit weird. But also weirdly social, so there’s that. And it was no worse than fishing anyway. I also still use Otto because a panda with shades on riding a giant otter is simply unbeatable. It is 10/10 meme.

I liked how many things kept unlocking as I levelled up. Teleport pads, chests, quests, the works. There’s actually A LOT there.

So I just straight up don’t agree with you on this. 10.0 had better world content, in my opinion, than WoW has had at any point in at least 6 years. It was better than all the world content in Shadowlands, especially the Maw, and it didn’t beat me over the head with chores.

Wasn’t perfect. Wouldn’t even say it was particularly great - it still suffers from the great scaling problem - but… I just can’t understand how anyone can look at BfA or Shadowlands and prefer that to what we got in 10.0. 'Cause that was truly trash.

But yeah I’ll admit my standards are being a bit low here. It was better, and that’s all I’m saying, not exactly great. There’s a lot more to do.


I liked world content better in Legion though. Because world content was just worth doing. And it remained worth doing for SO long; and I LOVE that.
And that’s not to say that DF world content wasn’t worth doing - it was: For a while. But that stopped being a thing too quickly for my taste.

Yes; overal I like DF’s world content. It’s too heavy on the group events; that’s something that bothers me. But overal, I like the world content. It’s just not worth doing for long.
It’s the equivalent of being given a gourmet dinner, but having to slobber it down in 5 minutes while standing on the street holding your plate. The food was nice, but… Why the hell did I have to eat it in that manner?

i hope 10.2 will be fun but i gave up on fun outdoor content a while ago tbh. it’ll be in 11.0 or never at this point

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The only thing I haven’t liked with the world content is that if you want to farm rares for achievements, toys, pets, mounts etc, you really need a group or be really, really geared (depending on the class). Especially rares in Zaralek and Forbidden Reach. Finding groups that does rare runs aren’t always up.


No idea how they could make this work honestly with how much the game suffers with just 20 people in Valdrakken or world bosses. They could do something like what New World does and have you choose a house, have it instanced, people can visit it/phase into it but have it in a orgrimmar/valdrakken/undercity zone by itself like in FF14.

I don’r even recognise the rest of what you’re saying, but I grant you the dragonriding courses are pleasant.

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I really don’t think it was, actually. It just kept inflating itself until the AP you got was in the billions, which was kindda weird, and generally that AP was really the only thing you got which you aren’t getting with the current ones.

It doesn’t progress, either in story, difficulty, content, or literally anything else. It’s mildly interesting for a couple of months and then it turns into a mandatory chore.

And I call it a chore because: It’s easy, repetitive, mandatory, and one a timer.

I did like the Legion invasions better than the Dreamsurges though, but the idea is broadly the same there as well.

Well that’s the thing about Dragonflight is that you didn’t. Because the game doesn’t require you to do this for mythic raiding or M+ or PvP or anything else you actually could take your time. It’s not the game’s fault you didn’t.

I agree that the game has become too full of group world events like Fyrakk - he seems to be everywhere. I don’t enjoy those at all, but they’re not 10.0 content, so…

Just because you chose to eat the candies in an instant doesn’t mean you had to. Could they have given more chocolate? Absolutely, wouldn’t have minded that at all. But to say they forced you to devour it all at once? That’s exactly what they didn’t do, for once.

Recognise as in you haven’t noticed these pieces of content, or recognise as in you don’t think any of those were fun? Or recognise as in you don’t agree that having some verticality to open world content would be fun?

What I would like is for the Defense and Attack stats of some sort to come back, and then the mobs have that, too, and then things like how quickly you get shot down when flying, the daze chance, and reduced damage dealt to the mob are inferred by these stats. They shouldn’t “cost” item level, perhaps they should even be the item level. Various mobs are marked with them, so now you can’t zerg, but like in vanilla you can have different areas with different difficulties; but unlike vanilla the mobs don’t become green, and instead the lack of scaling + gear getting better the usual way takes care of that.

And then all these harder areas and easier areas provides a variety of different difficulties and activities and items in different item levels, and it can absolutely go up to heroic raid quality or maybe even higher in x.5 patches.

Like imagine if WoW’s open world end-game was like 15 levels of Classic WoW but with modern zones and quests and stories and you’re playing your old character, and no quest ever becomes gray. That’s what I want.

That’s not what I mean; My analogy was probably off, I will admit.
I meant that that content only stayed relevant/worthwhile for a relatively short period. After that there just wasn’t a reason to do most of it.

That’s what I was trying to say. :sweat_smile:

And I will admit that I probably play more than your average ‘world content/solo’ player. I’m not an actual casual. I like casual content, but I come from a hardcore gaming background originally.
But the fact that I play a lot wasn’t a problem in the previous expansions. Now it is. And I don’t like that.
I’ve been ‘forced’ to become an actual casual, in a way.

Yeah that makes more sense to me, and I agree - it’s a problem, but I don’t think these previous expansions had it solved by just giving the pig a wig on saying “Oh they’re worth it because AZERITE POWER WHEEE”. Like, no.

What do you think about the idea of mobs having like a level at max level. Imagine if once you reach 70, the mob’s levels get relabelled, and they get a number say, between 1 and 20 - or 1 and 30, I don’t know. And every mob in the world has its own set number, and they clump up with similar, but slightly variable, numbers. You get a number like this yourself that you pick up from everything, like AP, or from items.

If your number is equal to it everything is like you know today.

If the your number is higher than it:

  1. Reduced aggro radius (if 5 levels above it’s essentially 0)
  2. Mobs don’t dismount you, not even when dragonriding (with the spears, you will dodge them)
  3. Any sort of limitations on CC or DR’s get removed.

If your number is lower than it:

  1. Increase aggro radius
  2. Increased chance for dismounting you
  3. Increased damage against you (it gets crushing blows)
  4. Takes less damage from you (you get glancing blows and/or dodged)
  5. CC durations are reduced or DR’s crop up.

If it’s 5 levels or higher you’re going to be in pretty strong pain. Nearly impossible. If it’s 10 levels higher it is literally impossible, and no amount of zerging is going to kill it.

Points 3 and 4 are there so all hard content doesn’t autmatically become group content because these higher levels just crush groups of lower level players.

This is very similar to vanilla, except you don’t actually get gray areas and gold, reputation, and other rewards from the easier areas are still available and still work fine, and you of course gear up. So not much gear in the “gray” areas but it’s still relevant, playable, and rewards all the things you remember from Dragonflight.

The “level 30” mobs or whatever the cap is are going to have quests associated with them that drop heroic raid quality gear and they won’t be super difficult provided you’re willing to play enough world content to get that level 30 in the first place.

And you get your AP/experience bar. And dungeon players just don’t have to worry about it, because getting the AP is going to be less convenient from them than to just do their dungeons; and in addition to the good gear it’ll be filled with transmogs, mounts, pets, and toys, just like in Dragonflight.

But because they don’t get their levels from dungeons as fast (let’s give them some, so they’re about there by the end of the season or so), if they want to get all the transmogs and pets and toys, they’re going to be doing the world content and maybe hitting orange mobs where you hit yellow I guess, but their orange mobs are your yellow ones because you got more AP.

That’s what I’d love. It just solves so many problems imo.

That’s quite an elaborate idea; props for that.

I do have an issue with it though: When you start out a lot of world content would not be doable (because you’d have to earn ‘levels’ to be able to take on those mobs, right?). I just don’t like the idea of that. I want to be able to pick and choose which things I want to do; not be forced into doing a particular selection of world content.

It’s one of the reasons I love world content: The freedom that comes with it.
Because even with AP back in Legion; if I didn’t feel like doing a certain WQ, I just didn’t do it. No harm, no foul. I never felt forced to get AP. But it was nice that it was there because I was always getting (a little bit) more powerful from anything I did.

So I really don’t know what the right solution is, honestly.
Maybe the solution will already be there in season 3: The upgradeable crests sounds like a wonderful idea and it certainly is something for me to work towards. So I hope that will ‘scratch my itch’, so to speak.

i told my guildies that i dont like hunting m+ / ilvl and

their response was “i buy a cheeseburger but i dont like cheese or burger”

avg content consumer i suppose

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I appreciate the freedom argument, and it’s why Classic has around 6 zones per ten levels. That should totally be a thing here!

There should not be one way through this. There should be many. But no, it means you can’t start in this version of Eastern Plaguelands, if you catch my drift. So there is some restriction, but you should never get bottlenecked. Is that happens they screwed up.

I certainly think 3 factions in Dragonflight should have quests at level one, with Valdrakken starting a little later and Niffens starting at level 15-20 or so due to being the next patch, and the black dragons stuff at level 10.

And then each of these factions gets more and more higher level in the same way as the reputations gain do today. So at level 20 they might send you into something truly messed up at the middle of the gnoll rot, or they might send you off to a far away island to retrieve some times and you get ambushed by a particularly large thresher, etc. the starting quests will all be near the roads, generally works quests, etc. And much of this is repeatable and rewards all the things you get in DF as well.

I also think to some degree that you can use this progression as a plot device. So the black dragons might not want you to resolve the dispute, but once you’ve gotten a few levels they start to trust your judgement and their stuff unlocks, and maybe at first it’s a pretty dangerous place to be, but you conquer it, and over time you get like open world versions of the raids with different stories in them, full of dailies and goodies, but it’s level 25 or 30 stuff. Patches increase the level cap. These levels do not carry over to the content in the next expansion ( but still work if you go back)

It’s honestly similar to what we have in some ways, except instead of locking things behind timegates and long elaborate mandatory quest lines, we lock it behind AP, and you get to pick what to do.

Important to note: this AP does NOTHING in a raid, dungeon, or PvP session, nor does it do anything in an open world PvP situation. Nothing whatsoever.

I like the basic sound of that, but I still don’t like being limited in my choices.
How about using phasing? The world is the world, but when you reach ‘certain levels of AP’ then particular parts of the world become phased for you: They now contain harder enemies, more lucrative/rewarding quests and that plot progression as well.

That has the added bonus of the world feeling more alive; your actions have actual results.

Of course I will admit there’s downsides to this method as well; mainly, phasing can be a hassle when you like to play with friends who maybe didn’t progress quite as far and such.

Yeah exactly… not a fan.

It’s definitely a weakness in my idea, but the way I see it it’s a worthwhile sacrifice. I mean if you care enough any large amounts of content you will see everything regardless, and once you’ve gotten to max level in a few months it will all be open and you can do quests whichever place you like. It’s an unlock mechanism, in essence.

Speaking of… Something did occur to me just now: What would keep people from simply zerging the harder content?

You know that if there’s some way to ‘game the system’, players will do so. :sweat_smile: