Can we get Dractyr Shaman, Monk and Paladin?

To each their own I guess. :smiley:

I think they look great, the customization is pretty unique. Not so sure about the walk though.

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I’m surpised nobody want dracthyr be druid?

Since I see much green dragons with druids. I thinked dracthyr would great become druid.

How dracthyr can transformations form bear, travel, cat, fish and flying?
I think they still look dragon but different. They get four paws on ground.

Dracthyr and Worgen are same double transformations.
It’s why Dracthyr could do like this

Dracthyr paladin.
and i hope they let us to use one dash in combat too.
i mean 1 dash forwar or backward and 2 horses in combat.
it will be legendady!!

Dracthyr shaman for me. I still don’t get why they weren’t implemented. I will always be in visage form but the lore

All classes for all races.

Can we get vulpera druids? Like they are shaman already they are fluffy, furry and obnoxious, like every druid. Kul Tirans can be druid omg

I will visit you on that hill someday

Not really paladin has some spells that gives them wings

What I talk about has nothing to so with paladins tho.
I was talking about evokers and that they aren’t a desirable class for me since they can’t fight in visage and the race they are locked to has no real tmog.

If dracthyr would get paladins the could permanently be in visage and I gues when they pop wings in dragon form the dragon wings start glowing

I’ll be there. Or my grave.

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That is subjective then . Or else dracthyr would not had gotten to be priest ,hunter etc

Dont soil my favorite spec with dirty dragon blood.

I think it makes perfect sense.

I though the whole point of Tyr on the Dragon Isles was leading to dracthyr paladins, but sadly not.


I hope it’s a yet.

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Yep that’s absolutely subjective. I think dracthyr evoker should be able to fight in visage.

But I also think dracthyr in general should be able to mog like any other race does.

Since they got other classes I see dracthyr here and there just like every other race but atleast from my observation which is ofcourse absolutely not a proof for anything I see most evoker using there visage

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But Queen Daenerys I Targaryen approves of it

There is only ONE queen: Overlord Geya’rah.

There is only ONE king: Warchief Garrosh.

Everone else are inferior races. And Drakthir are simply food for the Orc peasents. The best of the Drakthir are used as mounts, and their kids as pets for pet battles.

:scream_cat: :scream:

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