Can we get some Lock, Windwalker and Demon Hunter nerfs?

if playing 2-3 months each expansion is a main… sure :slight_smile:
I hope DF will be better and less toxic with all the borrowed power / grind like a job. But sure I played DH S1 and just came back for DF. I also played hunter, monk, DH in BFA and add pala to that mix in Legion…

You can’t compare AWC to class balance. Think about how many in AWC have played together for years? Raiku and Whaaz for example

This Prepatch is completely unplayable I honestly just want a refund for the 4 weeks that this game was completely unplayable unless you have a geared DH. I just came out of a bg where i did 1.7M damage in the first 30 seconds of the first fight. i held dps from 25-35k for at least 2 mins straight and wipped the entire enemy team without even trying.

Im so glad they arent nerfing this its insane to play i feel like im a old school GM i just woosh next to som poor guy and 1shot him with what? i have no idea im just mashing buttons and getting to 2k ROFL

FYI i usualy play at 1-1.2k mmr so im really bad so the fact that I can just jump on my DH spam arenas in 1 day and get 2k and now i just solo bgs. This is hillarious

Im a 1.2k player but my DH is at 2k and i solo bgs. This class is broken and takes ZERO skill to play im 2k in arena on my demon hutner and ive never even been above 1600 on most other classes.

It is fun but my god its like im hacking or somthing its just so strong. Its like sombody gets me to 30%ish health and i just spam samage and i heal to full. Its so OP man if you deny it your not living in reality.


I can faceroll on every class before 2.1k rating. So, every class doesn’t require skill? And what are you 2k in soloq?

They dont need to nerf DH at all .
DH is currently OP only at one specific build and one particular legendary. That is it.
Once legendaries become disabled , DH is on par with all other classes.

So relax. This is prepatch ! Things have always been crazy in prepatches.
I remember i soloed stormwind on a shadow priest just before Cata launch (broken OP)

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They’re worse at lvl 70.
Just saying :slight_smile:

Nah, you can play without Fel Bombardment and with pretty much either of the Covenants and you will still pump.

It is because you:

  • Now have a slow since it is not exclusive with Fel Eruption stun
  • Now have a up to 8 second disorient with Sigil of Misery
  • Now can combine multiple covenant powers
  • Now don’t have to spend a PvP talent on Mortal Dance MS effect
  • Now can get both leech and Netherwalk at the same time
  • Now have Any Means Necessary that will make your mastery buff a large part of your damage that wasn’t before

Just saying, DH hit the lotto.

DH had most of these back in Legion and it was not crazy OP. It had its shiny moments but thats it. Many classes had their OP periods since then. DHs included. Its the circle of balance ! :wink:

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Another DH Main… xD

Majority of the borrowed powers are now a talent. DH is broken in the beta, not just pre-patch.

utterly delusional just like WW and Lock players.

When WW are doing 30-40k on various ability one after each other it’s OVERTUNED

when DH with various specs including the Soul rend build and Essence break build are insanely god tier. Oh my DH i can kill ANY class every 40 seconds with Eye beam, Essence, Death Sweep. on top of that I have unbelievable survival and if i get fodder procs, I aint ever dying.

Warlocks although have been gravely nerfed, this is because the HP buff at 70… They are still extremely powerful and need some reworks on their survival. The best thing they could of done was to make Dark Pact even 2 minute and leave it at it’s current power and make unending resolve a 5 minute CD… but these simple fixes never happen

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Ww is incredibly squishy and dies in a stun. Locks and Dh don’t have this handicap. Most of our defenses are rather useless. Karma is a minor def and is only somewhat strong when combined with the brew. Our other defenses are barely noticeble.

Because it is to much of a nerf? Warlock are the last mobile class in the game.

They overnerfed DP, the only thing that needed a nerf was the talent Frequent Donor. So if you have only 45 seconds on DP the shield is reduced.

And Soul link needs to be 20% again

venthyr was the worst covenant for dh in every season in shadowlands. You are exposing yourself. Embarrassing.

Talking PvE, but okay…
I was just saying how DH has been having the problem that most of there dmg comes from borrowed power.

So exposing yourself that you don’t even understand why DH is “strong”.
The same reason Fodder is strong because of the heal + Unity Feiry brand…

But yes I’m exposing myself :man_shrugging:

No it’s not. DH is broken at max level as well.

thats totally irrelevant since we are talking about pvp specifically arena.

You could say that about every spec. Also thats an bad argument. We had borrowed power the last 3 expansions and they were part of the class.

It doesnt matter why dh is strong. It just matters that its strong.

DH is broken right now because of the combination of covenant + DF abilities and i dont think blizzard should focus on making prepatch balanced.

DH is also super strong on beta where are no “borrowed power” and i think Blizzard should take action there.

I agree on the beta part.
But on these forums 90% of the posts are “I died, please nerf X”.

pre patch doesn’t matter. Also people forget ilvl is still king in SL.
Something that will be fixed too in DF.
The difference between full upgrade honor gear and full upgraded conquest gear, is also a giga dmg boost. Many of the flamers crying NERF are low geared.

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