Having one CM post the same item in two timezones should not be an issue. If Activision wants to save money, having CMs with very fixed remits and narrow focuses is a simple fix.
I echo the feedback on IEs - there has been no perceivable change. Its a major grind for no reward. Being a feral druid, and therefore an exceptional healer, dps and tank all at the same time, I find too many random groups (Warriors I’m looking at you) where I’m expected to stop people who pull too much and stand in fire from dying. At least with Dungeon Finder tanks and healers are spots that are filled. So the salt level can also deter from the instance being fun.
IEs are like a MoP Scenario with all the good bits removed and an added loot table that looks great but that is unobtainable.
Loot/rewards in BFA are the overall problems. Lots of good ideas, story and art - but no reward for doing any of it. In a single player - playthrough once RPG that’s not so much of a problem. But in WoW it is terminal.