Can you remove PI and make Shadow viable PvP?

they have to do something in season 3 atlest.

I think this version is boring :stuck_out_tongue: hope they do something with shadow for season 3 with the set bonus system and dotting application system.

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Remove PI or only PI on yourself. I am tired of to ask who wants PI. :stuck_out_tongue:


delete the ability from the game. and make Void form and Dark Ascension instant cast.

trash ability trash rework trash pvp playstyle. Trash dev team.


pvp shadow lol more less dead in 1 combo by a melee comp good class balance blizzard.

Are you replying to yourself on a 3rd character now?

more or less no love from a none working dev team.

likewise. im tired i usual put them on ignore and pi my self.,Apparition%20damage%20reduced%20by%2015%25.

Instead of Removing Pi :slight_smile: Lets undertone it some more xD W_W

they can say sayonara :stuck_out_tongue:

They should do this yes :stuck_out_tongue:

nothing new blizzard hate priest ever since MOP.

go for it :()( please :_:

we are just a pi bot. Not viable in the whole picture. Undertuned ending talents everything cast time and cds that are awful when you stand in stuff to miss when they are cast time for no reason remove pi.

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