Can't Log in [12/07]

Orgrimmar portal from silvermoon and valdrakken aint working for me :frowning:

Don’t know why this was changed to just a can’t log in post when it was specifically the warlock but hey ho… has anyone had any luck with a new warlock race? I note again it is a night elf so perhaps it is a Kalimdor wide issue as obviously not in Orgrimmar.

Wanted to customise my Warlocks pets but alas I logged him out in Org and can’t get in :frowning:

Same, cant teleport to OG with any char

its not only warlock my monk is in og and cant login to. it has todo with kalimdor i think. maybe something they changed because of the dragon races :thinking: there

+1 for not being able to get in to specifically Orgrimmar. Hopefully this helps pinpoint the issue <3

Characters logged out in Orgrimmar can’t login. Characters not logged out in Orgrimmar can log in just fine.

Portals to Orgrimmar and items that port you to orgrimmar just gives ju “instance not found” and after a brief loading screen you are back to where you started your attempt to port. If you try to be clever and take a portal to Thunderbluff and then travel to Orgrimmar, you are met with an empty city and after a while you get ported to just outside the city with a message “instance not found”.

It is the world server for orgrimmar that is down, how the hell they managed to overlook the capital of the Horde being non-existant for everyone is mind blowing. I want to check out my mage ffs, how was I so stupid to log it out in orgrimmar!!

its not just the world server for org. My lock is stuck in infinite loop of unable to log in as world server is down for class order hall. (right after a cinementatic) another expressed that they couldnt get into WoD (post cinematic too) sooo its not just org

I made a Vulpera (they start in Org) Warlock and managed to log in, but my high level Warlock that I logged out of in Org can’t get in game :confused:

Edit: Just managed to get in game on him so I guess it is fixed?

A warning on the launcher or on the character screen would be nice

Also, this. I mean, how hard can it be, this has been going on for like 2h now.

MY character is stuck in Ogrimmar. I flew from Thunder Bluff to Ogrimmar and got stuck on flight patch in Ogrimmar. Now it saus world server down and I cant log in.

i was questing in dragon Island and then went into a Cut Seen now cant get back in… so not just CAP Citys

Sorry that was me hijacking the topic, as the issue is affecting other classes as well, though as you note seems specific to Kalimdor.

No specific ETA just yet, but rest assured we have TOP GOBLINS on the case and hopefully a resolution not too far out.

Thanks again for all the detailed reports!


seriously this is ridiculous
…and I’m not even trying to get to OG, I just wanted to do my weekly ICC raid for missing tier bracers - with Dreamwalk as druid not working either I tried several workarounds and was stuck in dead OG purgatory for 20 minutes before i managed to leave

Just stuck on an infinite loading screen now, no longer getting any errors, just a loading screen that never finishes, even though it is at 100%. Cant do anything, thank blizzard, you’re so good at fixing this! Not even able to give a loose timeframe, lol. So no idea if the game will work today even?

Logging in to Orc DK in Mechagon, bar goes to 90% then back to login screen error warning “World Server is Down”

Cant you just move ppls toons to Valdrakken so they can atleast play the game??

I tried to log a character in boralus harbor, got in briefly then lagged badly and got kicked out. my friend who plays with me had the same issue. A night elf druid and a pandaren hunter. Also tried to log a dwarf priest in Borean Tundra and I keep getting the “world server down” issue with both of them, didn’t want to bother trying more characters