Cant login WOW51900102

Maybe so Mwhuntard but you would think by now that they would be prepared for it. Sigh! so disapppointed right now :roll_eyes: :sob:

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No daily vision for me it seems :smiley:

Come om Blizz, respond or smthing

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i am having the same problem :cry:

Cant even log in

I was thinking the same. I haven’t played all day. And now in the evening I want to play my favorite game. Now it is not working. Paying each month. Hopefully they fix it right now.


This suxx :frowning: I couldn’t do the last mythic+ yet on my alt before the weekly reset 
 seems like I won’t be able to make it

Working for me now. Classic.

This is a issue on both retail and classic. Not only classic.

Blizzard tweeted about it and they’re investigating :slight_smile:

cant login, could do it before.
now it doesnt work anymore

EU Server Gehennas

When trying to start game from launcher I get the following error: You have been disconnected. (WOW51900102)
Classic - Hydraxian Waterlords server - EU
What causes this and how to fix it? Any suggestions?

I left for food and now all of a sudden no matter how many times I try I cannot log in to the game which considering im trying to help my friend with the new content and im also trying to level a vulpera is extremely annoying. for reference my realm is EU-Argent Dawn


No1 can, if u log out you cant get back in

Log in servers seem to be down at the moment. Blizzard is working to fix the issue!

well that’s just brilliant then how has this patch been so janky

isnt the patch

Classic Down also.

Hate you Blizzard.

Same. Stuck at “Logging in to game server” and then getting
51900319 and sometimes 51900102.