Cant take gold from personal guild bank

not an xrealm guild, just me and my alts.
i can take around 300-400 gold per Char anything higher than that and its not working.
No error msgs. nothing.
Its also in the gold guild log when i try to get some gold from it, but it doesnt take it.
I’ve tried with my Guildmaster Char, and the alts. same issue on both.

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having the same problem can deposit but can’t withdraw any gold since the update

Same issue here.

Thanks for the reports, this is currently being investigated!

On a related note, you might see attempted withdrawals appear in the guild bank log, even though they didn’t take place and there are no signs of gold actually being lost.

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I’ve been asked by a GM to submit this report:-

I’m a GM of my own guild that holds gold for a competition we run within a bigger guild. I am trying to withdraw the gold from my guild bank to pay each player. Gold withdrawals have been attempted but the gold in the bank doesn’t change, nor does my character receive anything. I have deleted my entire Interface folder and WTF folder just in case it was an addon / corrupted game and nothing works.

I’ve also invited a friend to the guild and had him attempt to withdraw gold but his attempts don’t even register as attempted and he also gets nothing to withdraw. He has tested on a guild bank of his own and he is able to withdraw gold without any issue.

Another friend has made attempts with me and we’ve been able to pull out small amounts of a maximum of 2000 gold. However, we cannot get any other amount.

When looking at the money tab, you can see that gold has been withdrawn, even when it hasn’t actually been pulled out onto a character. The character does not have gold cap as she only holds a few thousand gold.

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I have been notified of a solution to this.

You deposit 1 gold and then take out 100 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 200 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 400 gold. Rinse and repeat, doubling the amount you want each time until the desired amount is withdrawn.

Tedious, but it works.

Credit to a Discord user called Skalor.


This is the best response than half the other idea’s - Worked an absolute treat.

As of 31/07/2024 this is still an issue on EU servers as far as i can tell with my alt guilds. Ravencrest , Nagrand and defias B , Was able to withdraw 1000 gold on one toon then stopped on all my characters including GM’s.

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I still have problems with this, on Draenor EU still can’t withdraw more than 55gold

How long time before this is fixed?

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Same here cant withdraw gold from gb, game is a complete mess atm

sounds so stupid that i must try it.

and it works… dont know how u figured out, but works for me :smiley:


Not sure how they figured this out, but I can confirm this definately works!

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So when are this problem going to be fixed? its been like 8 days now

Cannot get money out from guild bank!
-Character is the guild leader
-Permissions set up properly, 1,000,000 gold per day withdraw limit
-Tried to turn off addons and with bag addon

The only thing I can do is withdraw 1 gold! Nothing more, no error message, nothing!

I went on an alt, all addons turned off permissions fine. Game allowed me to get out 1 silver. But not one gold, nor copper. One lousy silver.

I’m… Speechless how can you have such a bugged game and most importantly how can you make such a bug on an old system that was working fine? I bet my yearly salary that someone made a stupid mistake with Warband and mixed up the code with the Guild Bank.

Fix ASAP I wan’t to spend my money that I constantly put in to guild bank not knowing this bug will hinder me to use my gold when I need it the most.

This is crazy. I can get out 1 gold or 9 then I can try 99 and then 999 and 9999 won’t work. I can get out 999 gold but not more, then it gets bugged again and 999 won’t be able to withdrawn either. WTH is going on?!!

Managed to get out of the money.
-put one copper in
-withdrawn as much -1gold as the character had in its backpack
-repeate the above

This is stupid bug, and clearly warband update caused it. related post on U.S. Forum is also active, this needs a fix!

Worked a treat, Thank you. <3

Just look at how many new “bug” posts there are everyday its like 30 each day, game is completely broken atm, didnt though blizzard would mess up this badly.

Think there is a post like yours somewhere here on this forum. U can put in 1 gold then take 100 out then put 3 gold in and take 300 out and so on. It will take like forever to take 1m gold out though


70 Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman32445

I have been notified of a solution to this.

You deposit 1 gold and then take out 100 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 200 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 400 gold. Rinse and repeat, doubling the amount you want each time until the desired amount is withdrawn.

Tedious, but it works.

Credit to a Discord user called Skalor.

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It seems like you can withdraw as much gold form you GB as you already have in your backpack.

Then apparently, according to the other posts in the thread, you need to deposit something, like 1 gold and then your can withdraw again (possibly maximum what you HAVE in your backpack currently OR as much as you had when you first logged in). (I have not confirmed the last part yet).

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This indeed seems to be working on my end as well.