Cataclysm Beta Test Weekends


As we head towards our Cataclysm Classic launch in late May, we’re planning some special test weekends in the Cataclysm Beta.

May 3-6 – Cataclysm Raids Test 1

We’re opening the doors to the new raids that will launch shortly after the expansion, and your testing will help to ensure it’s a great experience.

  • Take on the pit Lord Argaloth deep in the prison of Tol Barad.
  • Battle the cult of the Twilight’s Hammer in Bastion of Twilight.
  • Storm the personal lair of the Windlord in Throne of the Four Winds.
  • Survive the gruesome draconic experiments and the reanimated Nefarian, son of Deathwing, in Blackwing Descent.

May 10-13 – Tol Barad Battleground

Tol Barad, once an outdoor PvP zone, has been reimagined as an instanced 80 v 80 battleground, similar to Wintergrasp in Wrath Classic.

  • We’re also planning a Brawl with the Blues event for Tol Barad. We’ll let you know exactly when.

May 14-17 – Cataclysm Raids Test 2

We’re planning a second raid test to make sure we’re ready for raids to open shortly after launch.

  • This test will include the same raids as weekend 1.

Thank you for all of your testing and feedback. We hope to see you there!


Why does Omen of Clarity druid Glyph still function? If it’s like that might as well give other underperforming classes a glyph that increases their performance.

Are you actually going to fix broken class mechanics before any further testing? Spells and abilities not working properly or outright missing are not the best condition for going into raids.

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Would be awesome if you guys could add a profession boost on the beta, cause some professions would be usefully for raiding.

Are we considering opening up more beta invites? Sitting 3 weeks out from Cata I know countless people with multiple beta invites who have no intention of playing the game. Meanwhile I have no beta invite im pumped to play the game.


Will it be possible to test bosses at the Cataclysm Beta on May 3-6 for players with a Ru account?

So how a bout a raid opening date?

Assuming it’s all broken, why even test?

Look at this fancy new transmog system, a system that has been extracted from retail and hardly works! - I assumed that at least would be something I could work on during the pre-patch, but no… My shaman ‘can’ wear leather, but I cant unlock leather items that my Wogen can unlock. So now I got loads of soulbound leather items on a character that not only can’t use them, but also didn’t grant my account the appearances… Thank you Blizzard!

I had faith that the pre-patch would launch in a somewhat acceptable state, but god I was mistaken… What little trust I had left in Blizzard is most definitely gone now…

I feel like an idiot!

What time will raid testing start on the 3rd?

Can we expect more beta invites for the raid testing weekend?
It feels strongly unfair to miss the raid testing. Not only from the point “one guild has more advantage than the other”, but it’s unfair within the guild too. You are basically 100% losing a spot in your main progression group to someone who could attend the beta test weekend.

Today’s raid testing will begin at 22:00 CEST (and will end at 22:00 CEST on Monday).

See you there!

Why is this so hard to communicate important stuff like this.
Also what about Live Raid Launch Date/Time - still no informations regarding this.

so did we consider opening up invites to more people? I have cleared all content week 1 since classic began but I still have no classic beta to test.

Is it possible that we can not get end of the expansion tuning on theese raids? They really are a pushover even on heroic, and id imagine normal would be killable with half the raid sizes.

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Hello, dear manufacturer
After the release of the pre-patch, many players have encountered problems and are unable to log into the game
We all get this error (Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft. Please install a 3D accelerator card with dual-TMU support.).

There are more complete explanations in this forum. We would be grateful if you could look into this matter.Issue with 3D Accelerator Card after Prepatch Update

The Tol Barad Brawl with the Blues playtest begins later today.

Don’t forget

We’ll see you back on the Cataclysm Beta PvE realm for our next round of testing on Tuesday, May 14.