I hope this isn’t going to get much fuss, but was meant to be a funny “RP” over that. Yes I used mods, yes I was banned permanently, yes it was reverted because that’s no good business decision to ban people who don’t cheat for cheating. The ban wave had that intent in mind.
“Boys will be be boys. Leave them.”
“What?! No! As a paladin I do not think going against the all encompassing law is a way that should go unpunished, no matter what anyone thinks.”
“And yet you believe in things that are not true, rules wouldn’t exist if they were never broken, they would be more like morale directives.”
“It can’t be that something as moral directive should exist, law is law.”
“Do you realize you abide by a concept that you don’t quite understand?”
“what do you mean?”
“Why do you think laws were created in the first place?”
“They were mean to make sure it regulate anything and everything, it is god’s word, god’s warning.”
“This is where you are wrong, they are mean to ensure that everyone can interract with others without causing troubles. The rules are a means to this end. But more often than not, that end is met without the rule. Some people who can think freely understand this, and while they don’t always go by the rule itself they still are an addition to the community, in positive ways. Because at the end of all of it, it’s not about the control over an individual, but the overall experience in life that matter. No one was upsetting the balance of all things when this disturbance happenned”
“They should have been hung hight and short!”
"And for what reason? Breaching a rule that was set to prevent an intent that was not breached itself? You’ve choosen to shield yourself from these concepts – finding comfort in following what guideline ‘they-who-knows’ give – but this is something that is meant for people who don’t want to think beyond what is set.
“So you believe sinning is fine?.”
“Somewhat it is. Some sins may not have any negative impact on a community as you believe it should. Answer me this, child. Have they, over the years ever bothered you with these? Or have caused troubles to your existence by having them, were you ever aware of them before now?”
“What is the concern, then? Do you honestly think so many people were playing with intent as foul as to break the rules and cause everyone else to have a lesser experience for their existence?”
“Then what troubles you?”
“I just want law!”
“I see, but the problem is neither, it’s just a different perspective of things. I hope you will wisen up and see it for what it is, rather than what you want it to be. I’m most glad ‘they-who-know’ seen the problem on a objective manner, rather than what the paladins thinks.”