Character model bans (Discussion, same as we had for xp abuse, not breaking rules)

I’m positive that a warning is not the right choice. One way or another, you’ll see Blizzard will lose more than they gain in the long run from this choice. Those players won’t rethink their patterns of thought with a warning, when they’ve broken the ToS for years and years feeling it was within their right. Either they’ll quit because they lost what they played for, or they’ll find a new way to fill that void creating new problems for Blizzard.

I see a bigger potential loss of players from reversing the ban, than sticking with the bans.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, cheaters are smart people. Keeping their accounts, is a win in itself.

Give them the good old: Once bitten, twice shy.

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Sry if someone said it already but can someone say the name of the mod which was used. Just want to see what was possible with it.

I’m not sure that would be a good idea as it’s what caused people to get warnings. I don’t want to get the thread locked down.

I’m sure you can find the answers elsewhere though :wink:

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Say what? What misery? They got no punishment at all for breaking arguably the most important part of the whole ToS. It’s sad Blizzard is always chasing the penny and the only reason why people did not get banned was that there were just so many of them breaking the rules.

I wonder what would’ve happened if there was a lower count of abusers. 99% sure they’d end up with hours spent on sending out emails, talking to CS and getting the same generic answers over and over again and in the end not getting unbanned. That’s just sad.

Right, removing a single texture in Vanilla AQ 40 didn’t seem worth a perma ban as well? It just shortened a journey to the boss lair, right?

Not really my point.
I merely stated that the ToS is not an argument.
The ToS is a statement. One that is on the other side of the rational spectrum. Something that is not based on equal footing, rationality, or taking anything into account on your side.

It exists to reduce your rights and possible legal actions to zero while giving the company free hand over everything related to the product and involving the transaction between the two of you.

Im merely saying that if you want to put the ToS into a position of argument, you make yourself sound really desperate.

Did u even read TOS before starting playing this game…?? :rofl::joy:

This is like going to rob a bank and after that complaining cos the police put u in prison :rofl::sweat_smile:

Next level retardation :joy::partying_face:


i heard about people being banned years ago for nude mods, i mean these people didnt expect this? the reasoning back then was changing files is against the ToS. i was told years ago that the reason is because some mods could add invisible walls and give you some sort of advantage

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Pretty much :stuck_out_tongue:

This really isn’t difficult to understand. There is a ‘Term of Service’ that you agree to. If you break it you get band. What is so hard to understand?


Blizz never liked alteration of game files, thought i can’t blame those guys for their let’s call it hunger for better models.Blizz got great art department but instead of working on new armor set or(in dreams) on more option for customization… they work on… pets and mounts


I hope this isn’t going to get much fuss, but was meant to be a funny “RP” over that. Yes I used mods, yes I was banned permanently, yes it was reverted because that’s no good business decision to ban people who don’t cheat for cheating. The ban wave had that intent in mind.

“Boys will be be boys. Leave them.”

“What?! No! As a paladin I do not think going against the all encompassing law is a way that should go unpunished, no matter what anyone thinks.”

“And yet you believe in things that are not true, rules wouldn’t exist if they were never broken, they would be more like morale directives.”

“It can’t be that something as moral directive should exist, law is law.”

“Do you realize you abide by a concept that you don’t quite understand?”

“what do you mean?”

“Why do you think laws were created in the first place?”

“They were mean to make sure it regulate anything and everything, it is god’s word, god’s warning.”

“This is where you are wrong, they are mean to ensure that everyone can interract with others without causing troubles. The rules are a means to this end. But more often than not, that end is met without the rule. Some people who can think freely understand this, and while they don’t always go by the rule itself they still are an addition to the community, in positive ways. Because at the end of all of it, it’s not about the control over an individual, but the overall experience in life that matter. No one was upsetting the balance of all things when this disturbance happenned”

“They should have been hung hight and short!”

"And for what reason? Breaching a rule that was set to prevent an intent that was not breached itself? You’ve choosen to shield yourself from these concepts – finding comfort in following what guideline ‘they-who-knows’ give – but this is something that is meant for people who don’t want to think beyond what is set.

“So you believe sinning is fine?.”

“Somewhat it is. Some sins may not have any negative impact on a community as you believe it should. Answer me this, child. Have they, over the years ever bothered you with these? Or have caused troubles to your existence by having them, were you ever aware of them before now?”


“What is the concern, then? Do you honestly think so many people were playing with intent as foul as to break the rules and cause everyone else to have a lesser experience for their existence?”


“Then what troubles you?”

“I just want law!”

“I see, but the problem is neither, it’s just a different perspective of things. I hope you will wisen up and see it for what it is, rather than what you want it to be. I’m most glad ‘they-who-know’ seen the problem on a objective manner, rather than what the paladins thinks.”

I’ve stood corrected by Blizzard on several occations. I’ve never had any problems with being exactly that, which doesn’t seem to be the case for a lot of other players. Sad people can’t take responsability for their own actions, this is why the game is declining. Nobody wants to play with cheaters, except for other cheaters. The game is based on information gathered from the game, includes a lot of bots activity that never get’s tired. This might also explain why there is so much content you can never “complete”, it’s created on information from bots as well as players.


I’ll rephrase, if blizzard would have upheld the ban for whatever reason it were. I’d be fine with it, honestly. But it’s obvious they were targetting actual cheaters, not ‘modders’ when that wave happenned. Nobody did gain anything but a bunch of pixel over you playing by the rules. I don’t intent to cheat, but the ban was aimed at cheaters, not me or any other.

problem I se whit using things that changes your apparence, even though it technicaly doestn give an edge or anything, is that many of those “mods”, can quite easily be changed so it gives you an huge advantage, for you like make all healers in bgs stand out for you so you know where they are, make the opponents flag bigger etc… this can be and has been done, and they are all mods that change apparence in some way or the other, only for the user, but still.

I am not in anyways saying those who used it just for character looks, should have been banned for a long time, but I can se the problem though.

I think Blizzard should’ve upheld their bans, as you said u’d be fine with it.
-That would be the only reasonable solution for people who abused the game in ways it wasn’t intended. Always has been, pay the price and a new account.

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I’ll speak for myself here. I don’t PvP I don’t even do BGs, or arena or even duel (blocked by leatrix, unless they are friends) so while I understand your stance, none of those model were allowing anything you mentioned. But I am aware where the abuse can come from, it just isn’t many that actually uses that, besides, its race based, not class based. So you can’t make a ‘healer’ bigger, just a blood elf or a night elf and so on. It’s more hit and miss.

Except, it’s not really a two-sided binding contract. Blizzard doesn’t really owe me anything. You simply agree with the terms that the provider sets. What do you want to sue Blizz for in a civil case? They are free to set restrictions for using their intellectual property.

Their terms are basically only invalid if they conflict with any local law.

Some trivial information has to be shown (and made sure the customer understands it) before a customer orders something or whatever they do (just an example), but any part about abusing their software is fine to just put in their ToS/CoC/ToU - even without reading the ToS you can reasonably expect it to be against their policies/rules.

I didn’t even understand the confusion about the XP potions. Let alone changing the game’s software to modify ingame behaviour.

Oh well, naivety goes a long way.

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You know what is really annoying?
Listening to these endless tirades about ToS with mindless drones unable to even comprehend that the moment they bring this up they had lost the argument.

Your first step in the conversation is to fall back from the actual changes these texture packs do, to the means of installing them.
Because you instantly acknowledge that they dont harm wow, they dont exploit anything, they do not influence the game or other players, they do not interact with anything and its literally just a client side UI change.


I really hate these heated 200 post discussions on the forum with people who fail to show enough intellect to as much comprehend what they are talking about.
I mean look at this thread.

The spot on response for this issue should have been “blizzard should release support for texture packs just like they do for UI so ppl wont have to hack clients just to install them”
Your very own argument wont come down to anything else anyway, thats literally where you stop. “OMG TOS”.
So thank me later for the fix of the entire issue in 5 seconds again.

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And you can guarantee that? You prob unlocked the possibility to, idk, create some superb auto-cast schedule at the same time.