Character pronouns

I genuinely believe orc women would sooner kill anyone than be friendly in any way. They are like the angriest race / gender combo in the game

Made up pronouns shouldn’t be forced in to politics or on others. Sadly politicians and companies are scared of the angry Twitter mobs.

If you want to feel as something different , that’s okay. But don’t push your agenda / religion / politics on to other people / companies.


My post got flagged super fast, wasn’t surprised. But also very fast unflagged by the staff, which was very positively surprising.


They are called neopronouns. Just like with your name, it’s how you want people to refer to you, I see no problem with that. Just to point it out, gender and pronouns are not a 1 on 1 relation.

I’m calling you Ixyion because that’s your name, I don’t call you Foobar because it’s easier for me to refer to you, the same goes for pronouns.

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Come on dude, this is not very nice in 2020. You should be better.

It’s actually totally different.
A name is just a name, pronouns change the whole grammatic.
Also when I see a woman I think it’s a woman and I use the according pronoun.
You shouldn’t have to do a list of pronounce for the people you interact with.

Of course it’s okay if it’s someone who is your friend or colleague you interact with everyday.
But don’t expect strangers to keep track of that.

As I said you do you, but don’t force to change a system for 99% of other people.


I love this skit (Slightly unrelated but related in a way) – Still funny.
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I’m happy for you, mate! :slight_smile:

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Point was that even if that’s your opinion there’s no need to voice it here on the game forums.

Never support the mad and the insane.


For some reason my comment got flagged, all i stated is the truth? Science does not lie… how is this regarded as a troll? I’m sorry you feel making a gender up is real but that simply isn’t the case. IF so Santa is real and the tooth fairy. come on now. YES its a fantasy game but i only see MALE and FEMALE options on the character creation screen so clearly in-regards to player controlled characters IRL science exists in that respect, apart from firing FIRE balls out of our hands.


Yes, but if game starts to call me ‘them’ it is not ok for me either. Because of reasons I posted above. This is something people nor blizzard cannot win, there’s always others who get shorter end of the stick.


Man this is a sensitive topic… Rejuvithorn even locked the thread, cleaned it up and reminded everyone that the forums is no place to bash those who consider themselves non-binary.

And not even a day later, it’s back to arguing about it.

Yay :expressionless:

Regardless of what non-binary is, or should be classified as, saying to “never support people who struggle mentally” is a pretty bad way to handling mental issues.

As far as I’m concerned, society should look to help those in need, not drop them, be it burnout, depression, or people who struggle with sense of self.


Arguing or discussing ? It is amazing how censorship is applied in certain topics, isn’t it ?

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If you’re not one of those that barge in here just to accuse OP of being mentally ill and complaining about how Blizz “allows this”, then I’m not referring to you.

Yes, I do know the singular use of they and their. But am I mistaken in thinking: that it is used mostly in an impersonal situation (non native speaker here)? Hence why for me it would feel awkward calling you they/them in person and I would think most people would have that feeling.

Which is why I honestly wonder if its not better to come up with something new? I don’t know if that is something you would mind or welcome? Would love your thoughts on that.
If you want to discuss it that is. If you don’t, that’s fine and I won’t bring it up any more.

Maybe its because I saw an other way in Swedish which to me feels more elegant: han: he, hon: she, hen: gender neutral. I’m sure other languages might have something like it. If I remember right: the Swedes got it from the Finnish word: Hän (If that is wrong, do correct me though.)

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Actually. No. And I don’t mean to single you out, we may disagree on many subjects (Usually about Trolls and who Quel’thalas belongs to!) but you’re kind of wrong. We have a lot of Non English speakers in the EU forums, and an important distinction is that ‘They’ /‘Them’ is not always a plural. Never has been, not Ever. Not in the English language, at any rate, which is the language we all read the quest text in (Unless you’re on a different realm I guess, but the English language ones use English linguistic rules)

The Following sentence is totally correct in English “Did you call Dave tonight, are they coming to the pub?” “Nah, they said they couldn’t make it tonight, but said that Ollie and Jaz are in town, we could try calling them”

‘They’ and ‘Them’ are not plural terms always, but are interchangeable, you can completely use ‘They’ or ‘Them’ when referring to a singular person, so I am not quite sure why the Teen-Right are getting so het up about a matter that has been a staple of the English language for centuries…

You absolutely can use they or them whilst remaining absolutely grammatically correct.


Well I do have problem - not with OP, but with behaviour around it. As I said I do not want to be referred as ‘mentally ill’ which using ‘them’ and ‘they’ in game would mean to anyone, who is not familiar with OP’s slang.

And I am simply saying my opinion of why i do not want every NPc start referring me in plural. And this coming from “gender neutral” person ( languages with femine and male approach - I reffer to myself as IT to not have any gender reference), but sure as heck I do not want to be ‘them’.


In a game which repeatedly keeps reintroducing genocide as a recurring theme and six months later acts like nothing of significance ever happened story-wise, I don’t care much about even if the npcs referred to you as an attack helicopter. Titles are server side and character specific, but most importantly what someone else is called on their screen doesn’t affect me in any way. Even if the user is mentally ill in opinion of the majority, let them have their fun with a video game, there’s nothing bad about that.

There are probably other more important things that the game developers could invest their work hours on. Small things like the OP mentioned can probably be changed through a custom addon and I believe with how many individuals they have in their ranks, there’s probably someone smart enough to write several lines of code.

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