Character themes [Music thread]

Think this suits Ford best.

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I discovered the Pet Shop Boys when I first started playing Sathrynn, so now it’s basically go-to music for me whenever I play her since somehow it heightens my frantic energies that get channeled into Sathrynn RP.


I’ve never really been a theme song kinda person and wouldn’t put one in my TRP, but I think this one fits Laurenn. The lyrics, while possibly a bit too edgy in some parts, describe Laurenn’s feelings about the Alliance after all that’s happened over the past few years I’ve roleplayed her. The second half of the lyrics also sounds like something the voices could whisper to her in order to turn her insane.

Also, I simply like the song. Especially the intro, which is a slightly different version of the intro from my favourite metal intrumental.


This might count as cheating, but I ended up writing something that’s effectively ended up as theme music for Obahar:
Otherwise, I’ve always had this in the back of my mind for something suitable for my posh, definitely-not-evil doggo.


To all my fellow paladins out there. FOR THE LIGHT!

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I’d love to be able to tell you Brazgagor’s theme is something cool like this…

But as I have a tendency to re-roll every couple of weeks it’s probably this…

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'Cause Hurr likes beer and he is hardcore :beer:

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Also Belok is a man of culture I see.


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