Chat lag still not resolved! Whats going on!

Please Blizzard, do something about this… Otherwise I will quit this crappy game, for real… How hard can it be? How about star hiring better people that can handle their job?

25 min delay on chat tonight on firemaw. You can’t do anything that requires communicating with other ppl. Please get this fixed asap.

Hey Cazzava and all!

I experienced this tonight as well while assisting a guild ingame. Checked in with the Classic Team and they are working on it right now.

Unfortunately proving to be quite difficult to get a handle on it. Hoping to see an update soon though.

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This game is unplayable about 7 hours a day, I stop looking for groups because theres a possibility chat might go down in the middle of the dungeon and the game will turn out to be unplayable, I was logging in today going to look for a UBRS group to get my Main Hand from Rend. And the first thing i saw was chat lag, about 7 minutes delay, and when my messages dont appear for a while i get a “Disconnected from chat service” message. I contacted Blizzard via a ticket a few days ago. My finances aren’t too well for me to be spending 1 week waiting for a server. I want a 7d refund on my previous gametime for this stupid thing

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And yes, this is an alt character. My main is 60 warrior.

where’s my refund?
this is going since nov 26 on firemaw EU on daily basis !
i cant even play from 20:00 servertime to 23;00 because you cant talk in any chat.
no groups, no items selling, nothing nada.
my elvui afk screen pops on middle combat lol this is joke.
my money can be invested better somewhere else.

so wheres my refund?

The problem is quite clearly that the addon “HonorSpy” is broadcasting the honor of everyone to everyone else using the addon. This is done to be able to see a real time honor estimation, but it is obvious that that requires a lot of data broadcasted to work.
Looking in to that addon and seeing if its possible to prevend what it is doing from doing it as often would probably solve the issue.
Giving addons a good way of communicating outisde of the “regular” chat server with an API that tracks the bandwith usage of every single addon would probably be a good Idea to prevent this from occuring in the future.

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Dont know what it is but has to be FIXED

9th day yesterday with chat delay

14th of desember 21- Still not fix, no explaination. Communicate alittle and fix the game you bought. Or is ruination actually the only thing activision can? Thought it was a myth

Given that the last post on this issue, was two years ago… It’s likely you are experiencing a new issue, not the old issue.

Its generally frowned on to necro such old posts. So I suggest you make your own thread about your problem.

Please don’t necro old posts. This was originally for an issue at that time which was fixed. If you’re encountering something new, please first attempt an interface ireset to rule out addon interference, and if it persists, open a new thread