Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!

not sure if this counts as a easter song, but as a Muslim one of my favorite christian songs is this

hope you have a lovely holiday :heart:

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Belated happy egg day! Remember to consider your diet for a bit after gobbling some twelve eggs or so. Your arteries will thank you.

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Thank you to all who came to share Easter wishes - players of all faiths and none.

Christians now enter the season of Eastertide, a season of joyful celebration of the resurrection of Christ. (So if you still have Easter eggs or other such treats left over, there’s still time to eat them since it’s still really Easter.) This ends with the feast of Pentecost, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, 50 days after Easter Sunday.

Today is also the last day of the Jewish Passover, while the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan continues. To all Jewish players, chag Pesach sameach, and to all Muslim players, Ramadan Mubarak.


Hey king.

You dropped this.


Does anyone know when the noble garden ends? I need to spend the chocolate eggs fast.

For anyone interested in knowing, it ends on April 21.

After Ramadan ends we have Eid, where the big family gathers (aunts, uncles, cousins, 2nd cousins, etc) and we give sheep meat to neighbors and the poor.
The uncles and aunts give out a few money to the children and teenagers in the family gathering.

Since we have a big family with lots of uncles and aunts, I ended up with lots of money as a kid. It was my favorite holiday. But now that I’m an adult and I have a job I don’t get money anymore :sob:


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