Cataclysm is Classic until 30 then you start Cata zones
Cataclysm Zones in Chromie Time
Chromie sorts Vanilla zones with Cataclysm, as most zones received revamps for the expansion.
Kalimdor Zones in Chromie Time
Zone Level Range Azuremyst Isle 1 - 50 Bloodmyst Isle 1 - 50 Durotar 1 - 50 Moonglade 1 - 50 Mulgore 1 - 50 Teldrassil 1 - 50 Azshara 5 - 50 Darkshore 5 - 50 Northern Barrens 5 - 50 Ashenvale 7 - 50 Desolace 10 - 50 Southern Barrens 10 - 50 Stonetalon Mountains 10 - 50 Dustwallow Marsh 15 - 50 Felwood 15 - 50 Feralas 15 - 50 Silithus 15 - 50 Tanaris 15 - 50 Thousand Needles 15 - 50 Un’Goro Crater 15 - 50 Winterspring 15 - 50 Mount Hyjal 30 - 50 Uldum 30 - 50 Eastern Kingdoms Zones in Chromie Time
Zone Level Range Eversong Woods 1 - 50 Dun Morogh 1 - 50 Elwynn Forest 1 - 50 Ghostlands 1 - 50 Tirisfal Glades 1 - 50 Loch Modan 5 - 50 Silverpine Forest 5 - 50 Westfall 5 - 50 Alterac Mountains 7 - 50 Hillsbrad Foothills 7 - 50 Redridge Mountains 7 - 50 Arathi Highlands 10 - 50 Deadwind Pass 10 - 50 Duskwood 10 - 50 Northern Stranglethorn 10 - 50 Stranglethorn Vale 10 - 50 The Cape of Stranglethorn 10 - 50 The Hinterlands 10 - 50 Wetlands 10 - 50 Badlands 15 - 50 Blasted Lands 15 - 50 Burning Steppes 15 - 50 Eastern Plaguelands 15 - 50 Searing Gorge 15 - 50 Swamp of Sorrows 15 - 50 Western Plaguelands 15 - 50 Isle of Quel’Danas 30 - 50 Twilight Highlands 30 - 50 Vashj’ir 30 - 50 Deepholm 30 - 50
*edit to include chart