Class Tuning Incoming – 24 January

I am really laughing lul

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Totally agree with that. This is the same issue with PvP. I havent Seen a Single enhancement shaman in 3s tonight. Only DH, DK, Arms, ww and rogues

Another shaman defensive when? You’ve made us take more damage for a year, wasting a talent point, while having the worst survivability toolkit, and yet nothing. Damage profile is decent(ish), but for us to be competitive we still need our spenders fixed. We’re not exactly “strong”

There’s five shadow priests within top 200 dps in m+. There’s two retris (almost three). There’s only one ele shaman, yet shadow and ret are the ones that get buffs? What metrics do you even use to make these decisions? Please don’t just ignore us.

Edit. Just an idea. Move Earthen Wall (aoe absord) totem from resto tree to class tree - we’d essentially get the same defensive mages have with mass barrier. We’d bring raid utility, extra defensive and utility for m+ and - the totem already exists in game! Easiest change in the world.


Poh is not even worth pressing in 5-man content.

Renew isn’t even worth pressing.

Coh isn’t worth pressing.

Blizzard: let’s buff flash heal and heal.

This is just useless because LW build is inferior to the MW build even with this buff and you can’t skip DI. LW and/or heal would have to be massively buffed to make it worth picking over the MW/DI route.


April fool jokes?!

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Time for some nerfs to dungeon mechanics. Yazma doing 115% of your HP in a +28 fortified with an unavoidable mechanic every 40s is NOT a great thing to play against.


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At least BDK gets tuning alsmost every round.
Ask a Brew how he feels. :clown_face:


Wdym this is nice buff and will be handy.

It’s a few % overall, probably less than 5. Ret is fairly low on the DPS rankings, so this buff is appropriate.


We have 3-5 palas in our raid group. The only one who got a lego is the prot tank. :smiling_face_with_tear: At least our warrior got lucky too.

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no ele buff is crazy


Nice why those insane buffs to Retri? Just because they are bad in raid?? Wtf. Again meta in m+ and will destroy everything in their buff.

Those devs need some serious education


Let’s throw in some random changes to classes without working through it in a properly manner. Typical WoW Dev work.

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naturally, but mostly they are aoe buffs.
You could have just buffed final verdict by 40% or so. that would be a ST buff

Yeah, those Pally buffs are wild for M+. Warrior’s of all flavours are still gonna suck, these changes did nothing for them.

No changes to fury warrior and minuscule buffs to already weak abilities for arms warrior that won’t make the spec perform noticeably better in real scenarios. The prot changes won’t make a difference either, none. What a joke

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Why no Fury Buffs?? Fury sucks so hard in m+ you can´t even get in keys cause you have bad aoe damage and no Utility. And in Raid we are only good because we can spec in aoe without losing much in st. like 2 talent points in whirlwind… but Boss dmg is pretty lacking

Are we looking at the same numbers? Fury’s top 5-6 on Volcoross and Nymue which are single target fights.

This is not good… Plate nerfs are the last nail into DK coffin. We are already squishy in PVP. We have hard time surviving vs hunters and warriors. As the least mobile dps class we have hard time connecting to casters. We will be eaten in seconds. This class needs a rework or at least survival buffs, fast.


However, for me it’s the other way around - every Paladin has a legend apart from 2 warriors and 2 DK :slight_smile:

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