Class Tuning Incoming – 26 July

More like the cry-babies of the US forum.

you have to give a specific example here. because I have read too many constructive contributions that are very well founded.

but what i see on youtube…
it’s like it’s being filmed in a mental institution! sick teen with insane emotions and lousy acting makes some sick mess!

even babies have more brains!

If this was the intention of Blizz… then they FAILED it miserably in 10.1.5.

how? Mage / SHadow priest were already meta prior 10.1.5 lol, the introduction of aug took the 3rd spot, but 3rd spot prior 10.1.5 was free overall hence why far more classes got into the content.

aug evoker just added to the meta. it didnt replace anything however, and the balancing of other classes never changed.

the only thing that changed was prior 10.1.5 less players ran meta comps because Mages in PuG enviroments were exceedingly unreliable, meaning the meta influences didnt impact the majority of us

if someone invite in LFG, for sure. Then didnt impact.

What are you talking about? SP was the only spec that was OP pre-10.1.5. All other specs were more or less balanced. And YES, there was a meta of course, but those “meta specs” gave you at best a very small and niche advantage that can only be capitalized by top players.

To prove that… I will link raider io for you.

htt ps: // ibb. co/ MpdKvWg

I will only do this exercise for healers. But I 100% invite you to do it as well with DPS, or Tanks. You will see the same thing.

Top is healers after 10.1.5, bottom is healers BEFORE 10.1.5.

And before you jump to conclusions:

Its 25+. Why should I care? Because the overwhelming representation of HPala is SO BIG, and it gives SUCH an advantage in M+ that it will trickle down to lower keys. Its not that HPala is 5% better than everyone else (like RShaman was before 10.1.5), its that its 20%, 30% or more better than ANY other healer.

This guy explains it better than I do:

I have been monitoring week by week keys 15+ and above, and while the trend is slower than for 25+ keys, you can see that HPala representation grows by ~5% per week. In the next couple of weeks, 15+ keys and above will look EXACTLY like 25+ keys. Guaranteed.

And THAT is the difference between post and pre 10.1.5. Pre-10.1.5 ONLY SP was OP meta. Now, its 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 dps that are WAY more OP than anything else. So everyone else gets phased out.

After some time (as it happened with SP) you will see that that comp will dominate even in lower keys.

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In high keys fire mage was pretty meta. Just wasnt great in pug enviroments prior 10.1.5

But yeah shadow was the most overpowered class of that era, and was considered the mandatory class by all metas.

Did you not read what I said on my previous post?

Fire mage pre 10.1.5 was what? 5% better? 2% better? Nothing relevant. In fact, to get that extra power you needed to play the spec mathematically perfect, with mathematically perfectly timed pulls… Something nobody except the top 20 players in the world could pull off.

So sure… it was “meta”. And anyone that complained about it was dumb. But today its 20%, 30% or more than anybody else, and a monkey playing a FMage does more DPS than a skilled player with a warlock.

Like SP was pre 10.1.5. It was just SO MUCH better than anything else that everyone and their mother wanted an SP in a 10+. So fire mage (and Aug, and GDruid, and HPala) went from being “Meh better” to being “SP broken OP level” in 10.1.5 patch.

And as it happened to SP, they will begin to be more and more mandatory in lower and lower keys. Until its only those 5 specs playing anything above a 15+.

Well yeah the lead wasnt massive, but it was still meta, just not busted like other options have become today.

They just spread the meta class wider.

It hasnt moved position tho, its still top, just mage has a even further lead now then it was orginally.

I liked the situation in 10.1.5. Class balance was as good as it could possibly get (not perfect, but not a disaster either).

There was a meta, but anyone insisting on the meta were 100% wannabe pros. And I and many others called them out for it.

But not this time. This time people that follow the meta actually have a point. Its just so much easier to do dungeons with the meta comp.

The synergy between Augmeta, Shadow and Fire is insane. Holy Pala laughs about the issues other heal specs have and Guardian fits perfectly in this setup after several changes. Even Augmeta alone makes every key noticeable comfortablier.

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