Class Tuning Incoming - 11 September

With scheduled weekly maintenance on September 11, we’re going to reduce the effectiveness of a few new Class Tier sets that would otherwise overperform relative to our targeted values. We will also increase the baseline damage of the affected specs to account for the tier set tuning.

We will then look forward to additional tuning that we’ll develop during Heroic week, which will address anything needed for PvP, Mythic+, and Mythic raiding on September 18.

The September 11 changes will be:

Death Knight

  • All ability damage increased by 5%
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set: 4-piece – Haste when summoning a minion reduced to 1% (was 2%), up to a maximum of 4% (was 8%).


  • All ability damage increased by 5%
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set: 4-piece – Damage is increased by 0.5% per Boneshield Charge (was 1%).

Demon Hunter

  • All ability damage increased by 4%.
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 4-piece – Damage of Chaos Strike reduced to 12% (was 20%). Now reduces the Fury cost of Blade Dance by 30% (was 50%).


  • All ability damage increased by 3%.
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 2-piece – Soul Cleave damage reduced to 10% (was 15%). Soul Cleave has a 25% chance to shatter 1 Lesser Soul Fragment (was 35%).


  • All ability damage increased by 3%.
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 2-piece – Damage of Disintegrate and Pyre increased by 6% (was 10%).
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 4-piece – Eternity Surge’s cooldown reduced by 3 seconds (was 5 seconds).


  • All ability damage increased by 2%.
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 2-piece – Stormstrike, Lava Lash, Ice Strike, and Crash Lightning deal 6% increased damage (was 15%).
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Any chance ret will get a notable buff to its Single Target damage?


BM aoe??? is fine
??? i do /?? soo much??? dmg??? i having stroke wth are you doing???


I have doubts these were the most pressing issues, but i guess we got to wait 6 weeks for a patch on that front.


Paladin single target dps definitely needs addressing, especially in PvP I stand no chance vs any class I get ripped through like a soggy melon


Templar prot paladins buffs when?

Pvp ret buffs when (pvp)


these devs are a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

Buff templar prot please also buff

Ret in PVP mages oneshots you.


can you fix this https:// imgur. com/a/FXOw2TT <-?

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Evoker tier set how can be an increase if it is only 6 and it was 10?

Thank the lord, I’ve never felt so weak!

Still no aoe buff for BM for m(+)? :confused:

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Its burst or nothing after ashes its er I got a weapon right lol.

So we’re back to testing changes on live servers like Cata lol cool…


is that a nerf or a buff? The damage was reduced to 20% and now only to 12% which is lower? I can’t understand this blizz writing lol

Maybe. Just maybe they would listen if you got the actual class name right. There is no templar in WoW.

Yes there is… The hero spec is called templar…


I think he’s referring to Prot Paladin Hero talent. If I recall correctly Prot Paladins can spec into Templar or Lightsmith I’m not an expert though.

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