Cloak of shadows while Flag Carrying

Are you gonna adress this completely gamebreaking BUG (since you cant use melee bubbles on pala it has to be a bug) or what? Its literally beyond gamedestroying.

Wouldnt mind it so much if it wasnt the most broken class having another gamebreaking thing.

Cant tell you how often our random group loaded in casterheavy and genuinely could not win cus this heroclass is allowed to have a 5sec full mobility ZERO COUNTERPLAY immunity while FCing. (because you know, sprintt, shadowstep, bomb, blind + 70% slow/35% uptime kidney arent enough ways to FC)

Literal 2minute dev fix how hard is it? Been one the most gamebreaking bg interactions for years now.

lol most broken class in my a$$

wait 5 seconds then one shot him in 1-2 globals. easy game

you do realise 5seconds with sprint means crossing half the map? Or past 5 line of sight barriers in the base.

Also it shouldnt exist to begin with, same reason palas cant use melee bubble ( WHICH IS DISPELLABLE TOO) not to mention some melees (ret, feral, dk) have magic chip damage through, AND can use some of the time for essence globals etc.

i would rather nerf kidney to 1min cd but whatever floats your boat and nerfs rogue i am fine with :slight_smile:

Maybe try having someone on your team use a physical ability to hinder the Rogue before crying “NO COUNTERPLAY”.

Every physical ability, and even a couple magic ones through specific mechanics, go through cloak. It’s not because you, as Priest, can’t do anything that there is no counterplay.

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Why do you always act like such a rat on rogue topics ( youre clearly rational on non-biased topics ). Imagine palas being able to use hand of protection AND it being undispellable. You would NEVER defend it as being okay.

(Esp when if theres even one freedom on the rogue with sprint hes literally across the map)

NOT TO MENTION rogues already have by far the best toolkit outside of just CoS carrying. They completely destroy EFCs. But im sure having the best slow in the game + 35% uptime kidney + 5sec double garrote (thanks subterfuge) + the best dps in the game + smokebomb is totally okay on one class.

Im sure that 20% of pvp players are human/n-elf female rogues just because of the oh so rich female rogue class fantasy and not them being rats who abuse a broken heroclass.

Id love for you to name a ‘‘caster’’ mechanic that counterplays cloak.

It lasts double what Cloak does, can be used while in CC while Cloak cannot, and can be used on allies while Cloak cannot.

But good, good.

Btw I just told you how to play around Cloak, which is APPLY A PHYSICAL EFFECT, stop crying and use that newfound knowledge instead of complaining again and again.

Chains of Ice is better in all aspects.

Nice try.

6s every 26s isn’t 35%. In case you don’t know when you stun a target there is DR for 20s, so, if you stun a target for 6s you need to wait 20 more to Kidney again. This makes Kidney a 23% uptime spell. Of course you can be stupid and waste it on CD on whoever is near and has no DR always, but I’ll be nice and assume you sometimes play about people who aren’t as ignorant as you seem to be so far (on top of being very disrespectful with your insults but that’s another thing entirely).

Rogues actually get outdamaged by a fair number of classes and specs in BGs, and by others (less, granted) in arenas. If you really wish to improve on your game knowledge instead of being that close minded person with a focused hatred on Rogues out of ignorance, I shall provide you a list, maybe that’ll give you options.

Frost Mages can slow through Cloak with a very specific mechanic, I don’t remember the name of the ability that allows them too, but I have it on recording somewhere. I might even be bothered to have a look, since you’re such a polite person, eager to learn !

Balance Druids have the option to go Bash, or use Cat Form to stun if they play Feral Affinity, or simply go Bear Form and use Wild Charge to root the Rogue through Cloak.

Demonology Warlocks have a physical stun with their pet.

Elemental Shamans have an elemental with a physical stun as well.

Did I forget any class ? Ah. Priests. Well, sucks to be you, Priest actually cannot do anything at all aside from killing with Shadowfiend if the rogue is already at 5%.

But as you could see, most of the other caster specs have something they can do during Cloak. You shouldn’t think that because YOU, or YOUR CLASS, can’t do something, or lose to something, that the something is absurd and shouldn’t be. Be smart, learn, adapt, etc etc.

Or simply ask instead of insulting right away. If I tell you stuff exist to slow/hinder/CC during Cloak, that’s because it’s true. Would be wiser to ask instead of throwing insults when you are the one who is wrong and has no clue. I’d gladly have shared.

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months ago u argued with his paladin “fingerpistol”

and he is writing to u again

I dont reply him anymore.

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They are not going to do anything against rogues …

Don’t be dumb, learn to use slows.

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So he is just whining about class X every few months then.


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Except that you actually have to use it actively on a class with no mobility and little to no control (Oh and yours when used at range like theirs also applies a mortal strike). You basically trade undispellable for auto-application. A class which doesnt also have the best stun, the best blanketsilence etc etc… in the game.

Naming demo locks as if thats even a spec, hilarious defense. Frost mage you name some hidden mechanic with no info. (also frost mage in WSG yeah right k). And the shaman one is once again beyond unrealistic for an actual bg scenario.

Good job though il admit you found ONE realistic spec with an actual realistic counterplay mechanic to cloak. Still didnt mention why it should be useable to begin with when its in every way better than BoP. And with it being on already the most overtuned & satured class in the game.

Do you really disagree no CoS while FCing wouldnt be an allround healthy change for the game?

Tbh its probably a fruitless discussion anyway. Im gonna hate rogues because im not one, youre gonna defend them because you are one - and in the corner sitting in a pool of sweat and cheetos crums kreigstreibr is gonna make some useless comment because even his own guild thinks hes a complete joke.

(oh and the 35% uptime kidney is because if youre half competent youll be spreading kidneys in a BG scenario)

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