Combining two Bnet accounts

hello all i want to combine my bnet 1 account and bnet 2 accounts.i know that you can not move account bound achievements and mounts mogs pets etc but i only need to know on bnet 1 account i have 6-7 chars with pandaria challenge mod sets and battlemaster titles so will i lost these 2 or they are class specific and can be transfered?

Raise a ticket and try your luck.

unfortunetly GM s not giving exact answer about this they just keep saying please read this article etc thats why i need someone with the knowledge about the subject.

It’s most likely not possible… Search merge account…

One such thread Let us merge accounts along with mounts please! - #7 by Someoneelse-xavius

yea i saw that already but they are arguing about mounts not challenge mod achievements or battlemaster title as my opinion challenge gold is char specfic achievement you can buy sets from vendor anytime you want but i need to be certain for not lose everything i earned back in then.

Battle net accounts are like two different hands from two different humans. Can’t be merged. If you had account 1/account 2 under same Battle net,they could merge
Thats what you read online from others and what I understand.

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yes they cant be merged they are combining your bnet aware of this. but as article says you can transfer char specific achievements.i only have 1 simple question is Challenge Conqueror: Gold achievement account bound or char specific?

they cod not do it to my account they sed tomuth data … i have all the blizzard games :stuck_out_tongue: on my all accounts

While the armour is char bound the title and mounts are account bound so no you will not be able to move it .

they can do it but u luuse them

No they can not i have wanted to try .

they told me that they dont recomend it becourse i wod luuse all mounts and asivments thats what they sed when i spoke to them on phone.

I am not going to argue with you at 8am in the morning you are giving the OP imho wrong advice .

itis 14:00 here where i live

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