If you didn’t know this by now, Blizzard have a thing for making the easiest specs to play in the game as strong as they can.
Look at Warriors, some genius decided to give them a talent where Rallying Cry increases their movement speed by 30% AND removes movement impairing effects. Very good decision, Warriors are known for their lack of mobility and struggles with uptime. That’s only the THREE ways Arms can now get out of movement impairing effects by virtue of their class + spec alone, also ignoring the fact most of them are now Gnome with a 1 min cd racial, also ignoring their fear breaker with 6 sec immunity to the effects on a 60 second cd. Oh and if that’s not enough they have their trinket as well. No wonder they all play like apes, their class literally enables it.
Don’t be surprised if we see buffs to BM Hunters and Fury Warriors in the foreseeable future as well.