Convoke the what now...?

Im I the only one how have seriuos problems with Convoke as Boomkin…?
Im in Thorgast right now and I am trying to kill the endboss of the first floor in a layer 6. I understand that it should be hard with the poor gear that I have, but it should not be impossible.
I dot the boss up, cast root, then pop incarnation and Convoke. And the freekin convoke casts 16 healing spells…? It has happened several times on this floor…just healing spells…how is that even possible? What am I missing. I must be dooing something wrong…help please…

I have done this 4 times in a row now and all I get is healing spells…what is wrong…?

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Are you sure you were in Boomkin form ?
I have the astral glyph and sometimes when I play solo, I forgot to go back in moonkin form.
And you gear is enough to do layer 6.


Yes I am 100% sure that I am in Boomkin form.

In my opinion Convoke should never cast a healing spell if I am already at 100% health. And another thing why do I have to have already attacked the target with another spell for the Convoke to understand that I want to attack. Why cant I just target something and then press Convoke?. If I have not attacked with another spell first the Convoke also always casts 16 healing spells. So stupid I dont even know what to say about it…

There is definitely something that happens when you root the target first. If I dont root before Convoke it seams to work fine…is this really how Blizzard want this thing to work…? If youre target is rooted Convoke only casts healing spells…?

When you are out of combat, you cast only healings spells, you need to attack the target before.
When you root a mob you don’t go in combat unless you are in range of attack.
Just dot the target at the start.


roots break on dmg, so mostly convoke as has smart switch that ignores cced target (except stun)


Yeah, that’s probably intentional. Blizz programmed Convoke to respect out-of-combat and CC’ed mobs, and I guess they consider rooted targets CC’ed and therefore won’t use offensive spells on them. So if you’re only fighting 1 rooted mob, it will just spam healing spells.

I have dotted the target. First dot the target then I root, then I go Convoke.
16 spells of healing go off…even if my dots are on the target.

But its rooted…

The solution to this is to not root it.

Anyway, your opener should be wrath wrath, get into eclipse, starsurge 2x, dots, CD convoke.

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When is celestial alignment cast then?

“CD” convoke, sorry, should have said it better

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Convoke is scripted in a “smart” way. You say your gear is bad, so you probably had low hp when I popped ur burst and convoke. With the low hp and popping convoke, itll start healing as it thinks that needs priority.

So THAT is why Convoke was acting all weird in PvP.

It sucks though, since the way I obviously wanted it to work against melee classes is to root the target and then cast convoke from a distance so it can’t be interrupted, but I guess Blizzard found it too strong so we can’t have that.

I think the design intention was to not break CC in group PvE, and they did not consider the implications in solo play or PvP.

I don’t think group/solo or pve/pvp matters. In all situations you usually don’t want to break cc.

That’s completely false.
In PvP it’s ALWAYS good to keep roots up against melee classes when possible, but you still want to attack them… Especially when you want to burst them and don’t want to let them interrupt.

Same goes for chasing flag carriers.

It’s not completely false. There are many situations where you root a melee to neutralize them, then nuke a caster or a healer. And this is why I said “usually” not “always”.

And yes, there are situations where you want to root a melee player and nuke them. But there is no way for an AI based spell to guess your intentions. So they design it for the safe choice. It is up to you as a player to know your class and know your spells, and know that convoke won’t attack a rooted target.

Of course, now that I know this, I can plan around these limitations. After all, it’s still a pretty powerful and useful spell.

Can 100% agree that it will not target rooted people. Easy to test in a BG against 2 ppl. root 1 and it will only fire at the other. Great to use this agressively when you do only want to hit 1 person and not 2 people.

Cyclone however does not work like this. It will go all out on a cycloned target… weird.

U need to have a dot on target.

