Convoluted systems on top of systems

Oh look another clickbait video.

Yeah, the number of major issues this game has is unbelievable.

From your list, these are the only issues that I think Vanilla had:

  1. Chores: Although vanilla didn’t really have obvious and annoying chores like modern WoW does, I do remember having to grind mobs for weeks just to get enough gold (900g I think) for the epic mount. But I guess after that, the mount served its purpose until flying mounts came out 2 expansions later, so it was kind of worth it.
  2. Limited content: I think there was a bit of down-time between expansions in the past, but it’s definitely gotten worse with Shadowlands.

All other issues were only recently (starting with Legion, but mainly BfA and Shadowlands) introduced! That’s what really worries me: the game designers who are left in the WoW team are really bad at their job!


The problem with the difference in power level is also dumb.

This is my fox rogue - I have been pvping with it in LFG mostly for a few weeks properly. It has sod all conduits and if you look at the gear, you’ll see that the ilvls are relatively all over the place…because the honor grind is so big. I also don’t have BiS for every slot BUT I do have the conquest to buy them and literally the only reason I haven’t, is grinding honor from unranked to my current max rank takes forever.

For arguments sake, the pieces 6ilvls lower than the others, need about 2500honor to go up to that each. So fun

edit: appears I upgraded more lastnight than I thought I had so there’s more at 242 but still, its pretty time consuming and boring. Getting conduits as well which do make quite a difference is also not fun.

100% agree!!

people quit instead of grinding these time waste systems

They have created systems because they fear people will ‘leave’ if done, when in fact the very systems they have created have made (alot of) people ‘leave’.

There is nothing wrong with being ‘done’ on a character and Blizzard have forgotten that.


We’re in the same community I think, so if you need a fury warrior to help with that quest , hit me up if I’m ingame and I will be more than happy to help

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I meant the Island itself. It’s not difficult or anything it’s just that it feels no easier than when I was 120 @~450 ilvl as a 60 with ~220 ilvl. I don’t feel like I’ve progressed. I should melt mobs in one or two shots but I’m not.
This is mostly due to scaling but also due to just lack of progression this expansion.

I see, sorry misunderstood. The rares have almost the same HP as SL which is clearly wrong. The dungeon inself is soloable now as I stated if you wanted to do that. Just takes time due to the inflated HP pools everything seems to have.

What was Click-Baity about it?
You may disagree with the argument put forward but it certainly wasn’t click bait (not by my definition anyhow, perhaps your definition is broad enough to cover pretty much every video ever made in the history of moving pictures).
I think he had a point with the current state of the game. It’s not the only problem or maybe not even the biggest problem but certainly is an issue with the game that has been growing since Legion.


I’m afraid I don’t entirely agree here.

  1. Vanilla WoW simply just does not have chores. It doesn’t have any at all, not a single one, because it doesn’t have dailies. The vanilla design team specifically set out to avoid them because they’d seen them in other MMO’s and they didn’t like them. Grinds? Absolutely yes, but these grinds are based on gold, and you get gold for anything. Just literally play the game a lot, and you get your mount. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing really.
  2. Vanilla definitely had this problem to some extent but that’s because it was new and they ran out of time and money to develop it before release, and besides most people were levelling which definitely did NOT lack content. It may in fact be the biggest MMORPG ever made, and certainly at the time. And by that I don’t mean square kilometers, I mean the number of different kinds of environments.

That’s not so say vanilla doesn’t have problems though. It absolutely does. But they’re very different ones - very different ones indeed.

Now, how would I go about fixing the friggin’ 12 problems I brought up?

  1. Stop selling level boosts. Seriously just stop it.
  2. Stop adding all these systems. Just take those conduits and the soulbinds and shove it. I should’ve said this earlier, but I was a fool. I did say, however, that the power of the Covenants was far too great. I didn’t say there shouldn’t be any, but that it was too much. I said that within 4 hours of the announcement of the spells on this forum, you can go look it up if you care to. I think I was on Ishayu at the time though (my druid)
  3. I mean just… no. Either design Torghast better or stop putting us through all that grinding.
  4. Remove level scaling and make it harder so we actually have to run around the world and buy stuff and think about the structure of our adventure instead of just spinning to win the whole way to max level.
  5. … well, see 4.
  6. Just stop it with all those blasted currencies. Zereth Mortis is doing it again, stop!
  7. Get rid of LFD/LFR and CRZ and merge some servers. I know it’s controversial; I don’t care. It has to be done. To make WoW fun you need a community, and to get a community you need other players to need you and you need to need other players. If you don’t want to play that aspect of WoW that’s fine, but Blizzard should at least make sure there are people out there that you see and wonder what they’re up to and that they might like to have you.
    I want you to be able to do any content, including trade and whatever else, with any player you can see, and I want you to feel needed and appreciated first for what you can do, then for who you are as a person once you start talking and get into it, and as long as you can just queue up to find some anonymous no-name person, do a dungeon, and tell him to get lost with no consequences we’re never going to solve this.
    This is absolutely essential.
  8. Less instances, more world - important more hard world for those who seek it. Stop it with the books and tell us about the story and the world in a medium we all care about: Games.
  9. If Blizzard wants dailies, and I don’t blame them because they can be fun to some extent, have it be some wind at my back. So I can farm it, or I can daily it, or both. Like the BG bonus reward. Don’t make me feel like I must log in and then log out at certain times. I shouldn’t be optimising my rewards for wall time like I’m playing the game with friggin’ egg timers and my phone calendar. Nobody enjoys this. Anybody remember rested XP when it mattered? Yeah, that. It worked. Bring it back, and sure - use dailies to do it. Absolutely fine.
  10. Actually use the bazillionjillion content the game has and start adding more PvP maps. Making thousands of quests and then adding one arena is pathetic, and to then invalidate every single prior expansion when you do it is silly.
  11. Tone down the amount of cooldowns and the strength of them so that it’s more about utility and popping the right things at the right time. It’s more obvious what your enemy is doing then.
  12. This solves itself once they do the rest of my list, especially when they do point number 2.

So yeah.

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i have said this in multiple posts,
in particular WoW has gone to an extreme and has replaced open door " new player friendly" with a chore or set up to get to endgame content

  • games like Warzone or other high popular games in other genres are completely open door and thus gain a lot of new traffic via new players

  • the only way WoW will reach its 12million player base again is if the levelling and player systems are trivial and do not equate to player power.

I think most of your solutions are fairly reasonable but I would have to say number 7 isn’t possible in todays gaming culture, you just need to look at wow classic to see how toxic/elitist server communities became, after what I heard from friends who played it, I don’t think I’d ever dabble in the classic seriously and I could see what is already a fairly toxic community in warcraft retail just spiralling out of control. The concept of server community in warcraft is dead I would say, it’s simply not the same player base it used to be.

There’s actually a really good post from a developers perspective on the state of populations on classic servers here: and I think many pitfalls that have fallen on the classic realms would just start becoming an issue on retail in regards to merging servers, arguably CRZ is near enough close to merging servers anyway, all it does is add a tag to your character of your realm but you are all essentially one server who you can, trade, guild and play with and you will see the same names walk by you from time to time.

I think most of your solutions are fairly reasonable but I would have to say number 7 isn’t possible in todays gaming culture, you just need to look at wow classic to see how toxic/elitist server communities became, after what I heard from friends who played it, I don’t think I’d ever dabble in the classic seriously and I could see what is already a fairly toxic community in warcraft retail just spiralling out of control. The concept of server community in warcraft is dead I would say, it’s simply not the same player base it used to be.

There’s actually a really good post from a developers perspective on the state of populations on classic servers here: and I think many pitfalls that have fallen on the classic realms would just start becoming an issue on retail in regards to merging servers, arguably CRZ is near enough close to merging servers anyway, all it does is add a tag to your character of your realm but you are all essentially one server who you can, trade, guild and play with and you will see the same names walk by you from time to time.

Literally 3/4ths of my friends list is playing Classic now and I barely added any friends in Classic - not because I didn’t like people but because I mostly followed my old gang around from retail.

Classic, at least from this point of view, is working absolutely fine. PuG’s are popping up every evening in massive numbers even on Alliance and overall it’s just working fine as far as I can tell.

Yes, these problems are real and yes, they still have no idea how to solve it. They are trying their best to veer away from the obvious, though uncomfortable, solution. They just don’t want to do it, and they seem to have absolutely no qualms about the game rotting away as a result of their indecision.

That said, it is a good post, don’t get me wrong. Well considered. But they’re going to have to face the hard truth, whether they want to or not: Inconveniencing people but not disabling their play until they take the necessary step is… well, just inconveniencing people. It doesn’t actually solve the problem.

Unfortunately I cannot reply.

They are not.

First 2: No. You sim, if you care about it and thats it. That has always been the case since we started to sim ourselves.

Last two: Always has been the case.

The WoW community has always been “extraordinary” in regards of their guide writing compared to most other games.

This is regardless of the fact that this game has waaaay too many systems put in place at the same time.

The progression systems are the diceases killing this game, that is pretty obvious. I wish Blizzard chucked those off the game when SL launched rather than doubling down.

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You’re wrong in everything you say sir.
Except for the “waaay to mant systems” part

Not even remotely but keep falsely believing what you said.

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