Covenants are really unbalanced

It is a flawed purpose. That meaningful choice doesn’t mean anything in the context of an mmo. There is a reason why they removed the hurdles to respecing eventually, it’s because it was awful. Limiting yourself in the way you play the game doesn’t make sense here. Maybe in a solo game but not here.

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Ah, you see manage to make the bis fit my chars as all are LFD. I mainly do pvp

Priest and pal are venthyr, see above.
Warrior is Kyrian, he’s a faceless soldier in a huge army so he buys this line, yes pretty much deindividuated already.
Hunter is Kyrian, much the same.
DK is necrolord, largely because he views his state as a curse so he’s always throwing himself into combat with the hopes of an honourable death to end himself.
Mage is night Fae because he’s an oddball compared to the others and views the light in more esoteric way which works mysteriously throw mechanics such as others like ancients and reincarnation (my paladin could call him a blasphemer). He also personally has involved himself with the nelf so feels he owes a debt to help try and save tyrande from darkness. He does believe that the Night Faes work is ultimately the lights will, so in a way he believes they’re illusory.

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Judging by Blizzard’s past record, there is 0 possibility for them to balance it.

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This, a thousand times.

A great example: NF’s ability ‘Soul Rot’ and Affliction warlocks. Thats a nobrainer for pure damage output aswell due to its synergy with de Impending Demise talent.

That combination is just awsomely powerfull; only side effect is that for demo and destro aswell as for purely ST fights it is just not that great at all, but hey, a 100 stacks of impending demise and then using Soul Rot on a pack of mobs equals insane amounts of damage.

And even if they’d for instance would improve Decimating Bolt (Maldraxxis power) by a hundred times, people will still take Soul Rot seeing as it synergises so well. Because eventhough for both goes that you will need to hardcast shadow bolts (wich normally would be instantly replaced with drain soul) Soul Rot is still preverable due to it is high damage and healing for both cleave and AoE. It just has to much going for it.

I am therefor more inclined to say that some covenant abilties are to powerfull, then that some are to weak. And thats not so much in terms of power, but in terms of overall design.


That’s fine. Lets agree to disagree.

This is a really good way of looking at it, thank you. I never thought about trying to work the character around the covenant, I was always doing the other way round. I definitely need to try this with the characters I still have to level.

Most welcome. Good luck!

The only thing missing is customisation for the skills. In my head ashen hallow is fine (the name sounds right too) but door of Shadows is ehhh. In my head my paladin uses a miniature lightforged beacon like device! I’d love it if we copy customise them, it’d certainly help with abilities “feeling wrong” if we had flex to tailor their look a bit.

Some people care about both. Covenants should have been cosmetic-only from the start.

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So tell me this. 90% of moonkins are Night Fae.
Night Fae must be best.
Then Yesterday I was watching the arena tournament.
One team had a moonkin. Kyrian.

I might be wrong. Or maybe it is not that simple.

And the rest all had convoke

I’m a Prot Pala, and I went Venthyr - I know it should have been Kyrian but I cannot stand the Kyrian aesthetics and did not enjoy the zone/story in the least. Maldraxus was middle of the road, not bad, not great and Night Fae was like Disney on steroids (Seriously I was expecting a song at the end of each chapter)

I suppose I will eventually get onto the other convents on my alts, but not till later in Shadowlands’ life span.

I would love to go necro with my arms warrior
… But the banner is just… Bad…

One makes you competitive on the highest level.
The other lets you roflstomp 90% of the playerbase with one button.

46.9% PvP-ers. Instead of looking at overall representation, look up statistics for the past 1-2 weeks, as it shows up to date data about what performs well, how many of them are present and how big is the difference.
EX : Last week, all item levels spriest HC

the Covenants are a big joke … HAH !!

Idk why the Covenanta dps gain or loss is such a big thing for most ppl. Unless you are a Mythic progress raider it’s not relevant. The thing that decides your performance much more than the Covenant is your chosen spec.

I mean look at all the specs at the bottom of the list, Frost Mage, Frost DK, Assa, BM, Havoc, Fury and so on. Even if they pick the Covenant that is best for them they are still at the bottom. Fix their specs before we talk about the Covenants dps.

The only thing that currently matters when it comes to Covenants is the mission table, giving Night Fae (and Necros) a massive advantage over Venthyr and Kyrian. And that advantage is across all classes and specs.

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