Covenants make me not want to play shadowlands

That’s planned on top of the covenants tho

Wait until they release their class update post later this week, you should’ve a clearer idea of what to expect for shadowlands


For me it’s fine , i consider it like a talent row with 4 choice that i will not be able to switch.

I want to go Hunter Venthyr but big “hic” for me when i saw " have a chance" all my hype shutted down.

couldve given abilties btu disabled them in evrything that wasnt world content,.

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and then will have to see still in actual alpha(and later beta) and if they actully listent to feedback.
Cause if they write article about their ideas for specs that all and good(like did for legion)
but will still need to see how they actully play adn turn out and if they will change depending on feedback at all.

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Well at least it sounds like they intend to as they purposefully wrote in the Dev update post that players would’ve template characters to test end game systems among over things (like no character reset in beta or insisting on how leaving time for feedback and iteration is important)

For instance BFA only had templates for PvP and players were locked in an area without even dummies to test the spec…

This seems like they intend to not repeat the mistakes of BfA Alpha/beta

Overall it sounds good, now we’ll have to see if it translate into a decent expansion

They should remove covenant abilities altogether imo. One it will never be balanced and two it’s another borrowed power we will lose after the expansion finishes.

I’d be happy with fluff transmog and mount stuff.


You are not wrong with that statement about it being obsolete when the expansion ends and we won’t need it anymore for anything sadly expansions before BFA are prof of this.

It sounds good but doesnt mean will be ,though i really hope will actulyl listen and improve,and if they change something atleast give reason(then if disagree can atleast understand why they did something instead of silence)

I really want it to be good expac,but after bfa escpially and just past examples of false promises/lies(shaman rework for 8.1 anyone?) and just how often feedback from beta/ptr has been totally ignored,i have massive doubts about Shadowlands.

Im hope im wrong and turns out a fantastic expac but i find it still hard to have any real trust certainly without actual examples.

or make it for openworld only.
and not instanced content(raids,M+,bgs and arenas would be disabled-
Then can have crazy op abilties and not impact balance at all.

Unless you play at the top 1% or so it doesn’t matter what you choose…unless you’re for example a prot pala, than it would be pretty stupid to choose anything other than the multiple shield interrupt.

God, I just hope that the skeletal mage ability is the best and not the one that just enhances the next x casts ability. The other 2 abilities for mage already sound extremely underwhelming and boring.

That’s all fine and dandy but i think it’s difficult to implement that sadly for them.

problem is ‘freedom of choice’ that exists in Blizzards imagination and in reality you are pigeon-holed into one ability - be it by the guild, or your friends with silent looks down at pub (provided we can visit pubs by then)


i dont think its diffcutly to implent them being openworld abilties only at all.
Weve had those since WoD,where after getting base in each zone got a new zone abiltiy,which theyve carried forwards since in some form.

Which made me renember how much i love the nagrand wolf one lol could fight on a mount and use normal skills !

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The thing is I don’t want to be pigeon holded I want a freedom to choose my own path to take.

I would make a CCP joke now, but forum moderators may slap me for it, so i don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

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i thnk evryone wants that, btu will likly not be thing without change to how covenants work.

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Well, yea…
I play at a much smaller percentage than that I’m afraid.


Haha, finally this 1% argument got served

My pick for pala will be made 50% on visuals and 50% mobility value

Well… good luck with the ability that benefits you the most but ist horrible/boring to use I guess :grin:

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If that’s what the people want then they should do it change the whole concept if they have to I guess.