Curios question on specific rp subject

So I was wondering, been gone for quite a while in this. is there someplace one can rp as a penal soldier or is that interest for such gone as a whole?
Both A and H side.

There was a guild on Alliance known as the Twelfth penal Legion, but it was eventually disbanded unfortunately. It consisted solely of penal servicemen.

However, if you were looking to toss your character into penal service I’m sure a number of military guilds would be more than happy to accept you into their folds. :)

Can you mention any thats aktive these days?

No, I don’t know any active penal-limited ones, I’m afraid. :s

I did mean military

Oh. I’m afraid that listing military guilds would take me a lifetime or around that. I’ll toss a couple of random ones off the top of my head. Honestly, it’s easier just to look @ the forums, see who’s posting as of late and who seems to be active and check out the guild they have a tag of.


  • <Footman>
  • <Stormwind Infantry>
  • <Seventh Legion>
  • <Kul Tiran Marines>


  • <Bilgewater Battalion>
  • <Honorbound Vanguard>
  • <Grim Gest>
  • <Sun Hawks>
  • <Duskwatch Outriders>

P.S. Bear in mind that this list wasn’t made of guilds that for a fact take conscripts in - just military ones.


I try that thanks.

We do indeed pick up penal conscripts; we have more than a few already! We are however one of the few race-specific guilds on that list, so you’ll have to be fully human to make a career of it with the regiment. If that sounds like your cup of tea, we have some more information here -


I ran the Twelfth Penal Company and it was great but unfortunately had to disband due to personal reasons. That being said many military guilds might be willing to take on a penal soldier!

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Highblood has one penal soldier currently, awful punishment IC to be an elf sent to work in a unit that operates closesly alongside horde forces.

Most PCU guilds might take on penal soldiers, the Grim Gest is probably your best for it to work.


Hello there!
I second all of the guilds above.

Grim Gest on Horde and Stockades finest on Alliance seems to be just the thing for Penals, even others accept aswell!

Good luck, Have fun!

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Thank ya all


This is the PCU.

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