Daily Reminer: Classic PvP Transmog is not working

It literally was.

It’s why the Replica warlord gear etc. exists in the Cata game files.

It literally wasn’t. Legendary ring from classic is in game files, is it attainable? No.

This is the guy, you can see in a Cata patch he was changed from selling Arena gear to selling the old lvl 60 PvP items as “Replica’s” to people with the appropriate rank.

Rank 14 transmog waiting room

Ignore this guy Valkia, literal flat earther

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Literally not a thing, enjoy transmogging it whenever you’re able to :+1:

Yeah, he’s clearly just trolling. No point talking to a wall.

Come on Blizz.

Sigh… FeelsBadMan

Day 999555444

Next week, surely…