Dark Magic RP themed guilds/communities?

I’m looking to find somewhere to roleplay a scholar of the darker arts of Azeroth, such as the Fel and the Void, but I’m not native to Argent Dawn so I was hoping to get some pointers to guilds or communities with some of those themes.

Preferably something on the Alliance Faction and not “evil”, I don’t want to play as one of the bad guys.
Long ago I participated in something akin to an “underground society” of Warlocks on Steamwheedle Cartel, but it was a lot more of faux politics (and OOC drama) ala Game of Thrones than it was about acquiring and understanding greater power, so I’m very much weary of that angle and I’m not really interested in hopping into another underground society.

Depends on how you define “not evil” :thinking:


Not seeking to destroy or take over Azeroth, pretty much.

Well it depends how far you wish to push your studies, how much power you desire. I don’t off the top of my head know of any underground societies with the limited scope you are looking for, and by that I mean still Alliance alligned rather than neutral or evil, as often underground societies are apolitical in nature, otherwise they would be operating in the open allowing greater access to resources, making recruitment easier and allowing it’s members to practice without much fear of persecution. Warlock’s are sanctioned in both Alliance and the Horde, and can fairly openly pursue this (within reason, don’t go summoning demons in cathedral square) .

While I do offer the service you are looking for, it is very much not limited to simple Fel and Void manipulation and would push your character into some very morally controversial pursuits in name of power (highly illegal magic), and not something for someone whom wants to act in the Alliances interests at the very least.

If you are interested in an IC encounter, however, where perhaps a discussion on this nature can be held, Darkshire is a good place to snoop about and a likely location to encounter a contact with the organisation I now represent. However, as prefaced above, it would be very much in the morally grey area of magical studies should our conversation move to that subject area.


Places his limited edition Dark Magician card on the table.

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fixed that for you. ‘sanctioned’ triggers me to no end.

for as long as there has been WoW, warlocks have been accepted in the ranks of both factions. not with open arms, mind. otherwise there’d be no lamb or cleft in SW/Org respectively.

on topic; you won’t find underground alliance-aligned groups on AD. as stated before, they’re either strictly neutral or evil characters. even then they’re few and far between.

There seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. My mention of an “underground society” was to experess my disinterest in such, rather than as an example of what I’m actually looking for.

There also seems to have been some misunderstanding of what I meant by “Evil”. To elaborate on that, I’m not interested in playing as one of the “bad guys”, such as a Warlock of the Burning Legion, or more relevant; an acolyte part of a cult dedicated to N’zoth.

Again (Oof, I’m bad at this) a misunderstanding of what I meant with “Alliance side”, I merely meant the in-game faction as my character is already established there and I’m not too interested in shilling out for a faction change.

Hello! Perhaps, I may be able to interest you in Ashen Council.

We are neutral (in the way “we don’t care about Alliance-Horde war”) and our goal is to defend Azeroth from the threats common people don’t know or care about (such as Old Gods’ cults), using whatever means are possible for it - and not shying any form of “dark magic”.

The guild is known as Charred Council Horde-side, Ashen Council is its recently created “sub-branch”.

Have a look at our forum thread here <Guild Changed> if you are interested or poke me or any other officers in-game for more info or IC meeting.

The Astral Order might be for you! They study and use all kinds of magic, but in a righteous way.


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