Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

well now it feels like there is NO pcu at all…

Surely not!

Perroy must have a lot of free time. Omnipresent and all.

I… don’t know how to feel about that.

I want to know what rig he (I) is running. The amount of alts on at one time…

Valdarth will not protect the Xenos from the fury of the Light.

He doesn’t have to. He is the Putin of Azeroth, with his own super secret no one knows about KGB and riding (undead) bears through Northrend.

It has got to be the supercomputer at CERN, only way he can see everything, know everything and be everywhere to poop on the cringe RPers all at one.

lol dodges all of your attacks like a cool dark ranger. Walks away laughing.

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starts chanting


Papa Peroy, is that you ? Or is it me ? Or Alaesia ? Oh heck, it’s everyone.

Is totally befuddled as the superior DR loldodges his attacks n walks off laughing with snarky comments, he falls to his knee’s mentally and emotionally defeated, and questions the power of the Light, and of the race of man, its potential and so forth, resigning for now.

I am Perroy!!

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inserts NK military marching song

Peroy is us and we are Peroy.

Good, you fell into my trap! We have the upper hand! We shall rule all evil laughter. Force kills you for good measure


So many PCU sock puppets…

Anyway, no random ambassador is going to be pottering around Lion’s Rest.
They’d stay up in the keep, that way they won’t get mobbed.

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Is forcekilled, his body bursting into light as his spirit becomes some super saiyan type thing, exterminating all elves from existance before heading to the shadowlands!

Another soul joins the PCU.

Hail Perroy, our Great and Sovereign Leader of the Server of Argent Dawn EU in RP.

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And in the Shadowlands, guess who is there to meet you? All the Elves you killed, eternally torturing you in the Jailor (Perroys) dungeon… more evil laughter

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I just cant catch a break.

It’s everywhere man… hides away unofficial PCU fanboy insignia

But yeah, back on track. I’m not sure if roleplaying an ambassador is even adequate in terms of RP. You’d be there, representing an in game faction, speaking on behalf of a lore character that gave you that authority. It’s a bit meh imho.

I mean… I mean…

Seriously though, I wonder if the anti-PCU dark ranger crowd even understands how they make the best argument in favour of the PCU.