Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

I didn’t say anything about derailment. What do you mean?

ohh, i think i didn’t get your post there and thought u were talking about the thread derailing. MB :sweat_smile:

no sweat its cool

Whats with the Skyrim names? Aela? Serana?

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I would say because of bankrupt creativity, but seeing the stuff they do over there, I figure its just by chance (or maybe they are massive skyrim nerds?)

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100% confirming this.
He’s currently stalking one of my officers, and tried to apply to the Guild on two alts as if we’re that stupid.
The fact he wasn’t perma banned from all the stuff he pulled in the past and has evidence against him staggers me once more and emphasises why the ‘social’ contract will not work, Blizzard start doing some enforcement

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Not to derail further with the insanity of Moonguard Lore (Honestly maybe we should make a thread dedicated to the insanity?)
but i did a quick dive and noticed the large majority of their homebrewed races were ofc unsurprisingly related to elves.
although honourable mentions go to, actual minotaur (a distant relative to tauren) and a group of ghostly undead. the folk over there even have their own old god, whom I am pretty sure is lifted from Lovecraft and one of their homebrewed elves is sort of very clearly based on snow elves from skyrim.

Wait-- what else has he done?!

(aside from the stalking and harassing others in /w)

Some people prove multiple times over that they just don’t function socially at all.

Thats hilarious and weird. I sometimes miss Stormwind’s roleplay. Even some Horde RPers are travellling to outside of Goldshire in a desperate attempt for communication.

Oh now that is just sad.

Whilst I haven’t really saved any of the screenshots from the ordeal, he’s been attempting/ doing non con E(RP), threatening to doxx people as well which in my opinion is just low blow type of harassement

Going to lie, first times of meeting him I just found him a negative nancy IC and OOC, then more things started to be off, and that was when someone fiiiinaly alerted me with the stuff he pulled in the past. And the worst thing is that somehow the list is allowed to be compiled.
Due to Blizzards inaction.

Jesus Christ.

Sooooo… Anyone can give me a quick TL;DR of this thread’s cuz I gave up for six days lurking here and christ you blew the gasket here.

Alliance Dark Rangers Bad
Stormwind Bad

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I’m just wondering who’s handing out all these magical “no limits papers” for every Dark Ranger. Stormwind officials are kinda slacking lately.


Moon Guard is weird and apparently the AFK guy I have seen standing on a bridge in Stormwind for several years is a bad apple.
oh and Stormwind Bad.

I’m under the impression that it’s one forger faking the documents for all of them. That person has to be making lots of gold off the Dark Rangers wanting to enter Stormwind.


I mean that’s a given but that can’t be all in this thread that surely derailed at one point or another?

No Ebon Human Male DK protecting his Dark Ranger big gas sack tiddy Elf Gf from the equally repugnant HMP and his Karen of a High Elf?

No PeeSeeYuu is bad and Perroy is the anti-christ still manipulating everyone from beyond while he madly smuckles with a dark hood on his rotten face?

Really? Not even a cursed image of Dark Fallen ERP in /e or /s?

OK… Weird but OK.

yeah he’s a nasty piece of work, easily recommend steering clear of him

iirc he’s also the one that harassed, slandered and stalked an RPer on Horde side because she didn’t want to ERP with him

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