Darksorrow (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

I don’t really remember you :x

No, I was Soren, NE druid, in Risen:D
rhabdo was the /trade spammer

Yo! Trimack here, not sure if you remember me but I played in Oskyldiga as well, I was the Mage officer if I recall correctly. My IRL friend was the Rogue officer who stole all the Lava cores from the Guild Bank, lmao, can’t even remember is in game name.

Name: Trimack
Race: Gnome
Class: Mage
Guild: Oskyldiga

Anyway, yeah man, I remember you and a bunch of other people. Were you the Fury warrior with panther claws from ZG? I remember our GM was a Warrior as well, but that he was called something else right? or was it you?

I have pictures from our first Hakkar kill in ZG btw

I’m playing on Ashbringer and Gehennas right now, not sure where I’ll end up eventually. If anyone here remembers me from Darksorrow, IRL friends or Realm friends, don’t hesitate to add me on Discord or Battlenet

Battlenet = Hemske#2155

Discord = Hemske#6343

Guilds - Risen // Ambassador’s of Pain // Illusion

I remember mostly a paladin called wellmaddy female dwarf xD ! Where you at ?

Anyone else out there from those guilds?

It’s been ages,

No, I was Soren, NE druid, in Risen:D
rhabdo was the /trade spammer

I was tauramandil, NE druid as well, I was the bastard lucky enough to get the ZG raptor. also was at the guild meeting in rotterdam.
was one of the few belgian people together with kallina (human paladin)

Ah good times.

The Knights Who Say Ni was my guild. Good group of fun people, some I still have contact with. Meetings in Sweden and Belgium.

Guild is still there but nearly empty.

gartharth and owl from final evolution im playing on gandling if you guys see this and want to get back in touch i havnt seen you since wotlk

I remember youre rank 14 warrior Angelkin.
Shredlord here idk if you remmember me, nelf warrior.

omg, hey max!

I will just quote Intangibil : “Where Impure is finishing, Mcstab starts!”
Glad to see you around man.

Alliance: Night elf warrior: Kamuishirou/Floo
Guilds: Gemina, Holy Crusade, RAMP, Forgotten Heroes, Endless Night, Guild of Honor, Tempus Fugit, Addendum, Amplified
Night elf priest: Fumamono/Invokker
Guilds: MIR(Made in Romania), Tempus Fugit, Afterhours, The Aunans
Horde: Blood elf priest: Invokker
Guild: Fallen from Grace