Dawnweave and Duskweave no longer dropping on my cloth farming character

No cloth, especially dusk & dwan for myself or anyone I know. Price has gone up by hundreds if not thousands of percent while the stock gets lower every day. Duskthread is now 200g. In one fell swoop, blizzard has in their attempt to keep cloth prices alive, killed it way worse than the playerbase ever could.

Great job. I have 16 alts for alt army with CD cloth, which is my own choice, but given that i’d loose 350k gold a month on doing CD crafts is a bit… Insane. Time spent, alts lvld all on me obviously, but it’s still not very fun. I can’t imagine what it’s like for people who did similar investments but really needed the gold profits, or for anyone who does or enjoys tailoring.

The radio silence really isn’t helping either

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For the love of the Light could you please give us a response and tell us why you’re hesitating to fix the Tailoring profession which has been broken now for 7-10days???Meanwhile we’re hoping every day that a fix comes while watching the success of others leveling their profession and making money from it.

Meanwhile it seems I’ve got a response from CS and they are “looking into it”. Now let’s see when it will be fixed.


Yea that would be great. The silence is fooking weird. Cant really level my tailoring and do any patron orders. Well i could pay 50 billion on the ah but no thx dont have much gold.

I have noticed Duskweave/Dawnweave dropping again so maybe tailoring is finally able to be used again

Yep finally!! It’s really good to see HOWEVER…the amount of Duskweave cloth dropping is extremely scarce
I got a total of 9x Duskweave cloth in 3 different qualities while I got 56x Weavercloth in various qualities, from 1x Priory of the Sacred Flame run

The amount of Duskweave from 1 dungeon run is not even enough to make 1x Spool of Duskweave and you need 8x spools to craft 2x Duskweave bolts that’s 8-10 dungeons for 1x craft of Duskweave bolts. That’s still WAAAAAAAAAY too few Duskweave.

If I would like to craft for instance a Sunset spellthread I would need 8 Duskweave bolts and 12 spools of Duskthread. I’m getting a burnout in advance thinking of having to run a crazy amount of dungeons because that’s 4x 8-10 dungeons = 32-40 full dungeon runs for 1 item(!)

The amount of Duskweave dropping definitely need to be increased.

I’m wondering though do you get more Duskweave cloth from heroic dungeons?

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Drop rate still seems broken, is this fixed? topics died down.

I have been farming cloth for weeks and consistently gotten a few from every dungeon etc, but this last week only a few here and there, some dungeons with 0 drops… This cant be how its supposed to be? Maybe tailoring are only for people what can play 24/7 now… Im sad.

This is still really wrongly tuned.
Several chars specced into either Dusk or Dawnweave. Just to get 2-3 from one run.
cant even do one unravelling from this.

Way to go to force us onto doing annoying hyperspawn farms, because just playing the game as intended is getting me nowhere with Tailoring.

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It went from highly underwhelming to not dropping again.
Ran Priory of the Sacred Flame a week ago and 3…3 pieces of Duskweave dropped.
Today I ran the same dungeon again and now zero drops. I’m specced into it ofc.

For some reason it seems intended…it can’t possible be that for weeks out and in a big company like Blizzard can’t handle a bug like this…

If that’s their new direction that everything has to be die hard and super grindy, then I think it’s time for me to find another game. I don’t enjoy this…every corner you turn to it’s hard grind for… absolutely too little.


Still very low. Have a hard time doing anything with my tailor because of no dusk and dawn dropping.

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