CC nerfs wont be buffed or reverted.
But it seems at 2k cr all games i join, everyone riding on glad mounts, why is that?
Maybe becouse new season that’s why it’s so hard.
If you don’t want to play against r1 and gladiator players don’t queue the first few weeks.
I am having a good time man
As i said my goal is always grinding honor lvls,
I am now 1900 on x2 dks, but i need to hit 2400 on both
I can do it i know it.
on this atm i got 20 wins played 36.
No gear to i just grip in the healer win
I just play for cap
I know u don’t care, i am collector i play for toy + big honor lvls.
Or maybe its to hard for u?
No, i’m just busy irl and i don’t enjoy the game as much.
I notice, to bad.
I am now rank 3 frost dk on ladder maybe that’s why its hard atm.
I mean on my main, on this i am only rank 6.
I don’t even use any arena addons, maybe that’s strange, i never had weakauras or anything.
I was kinda rude last day, i hope u can forgive me
I was really drunk, it’s not an excuse but i try my best really.
Were you? i just saw a deleted msg
Becouse it was rude messege.
I don’t wanna say that thats why i deleted it.
wth is this thread lmao
I’m now 2034 cr in solo but i think i am going to w8 to play more, it’s only meta like boomy and demos.
I can roll bgs and stuff instead to get honor lvls
Don’t play dk in s2 of dragonflight expansion.
I don’t wanna reroll.
I can win by my stuff but the ladder is not inflated enough, rank 1 frost dk is only 2100 for an example.
No one is queueing arena now since it’s start of season, let alone dks.
Ques is kinda fast trust me, but u only get vs glads and metas