Death knight and alliance

That still sounds a LOT like a lore discussion to me.

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If you’re calling death knights evil just because of the magic they’re using, you’d have to also call all demon hunters, warlocks, rogues, shadow/discipline priests, and most of the lore characters also evil. Including Anduin, because he does use shadow magic, as a priest.

So nah. Death knights aren’t evil.

EDIT: Also, yes, this is definitely a story topic and should go to that forum, not this one.

Following this thread, as it is very interesting for me. A DK seems very hard to RP tbh.

I don’t roleplay on Argent Dawn, where the density of serious roleplayers is much higher than on the connected realms Moonglade/The Sha’tar/Steamwheedle Cartel which I play on.

Thus I cannot say how hard it might be to RP a DK on AD, but on the Sha’glade Cartel, my impression is that it is more about the other RPers you interact with.

Since DKs are officially a part of the Alliance, they are … grudgingly accepted, at least, and perhaps even fully accepted by more open-minded characters.

(This is, of course, entirely in the hands of other RPers than the DK RPer.)

For those RPing DKs, I think the most important things are

  • know DK lore; how are DKs created? How are they chosen? How do they work? How are they changed from who and what they were in life?

  • RP within the lore.

I don’t expect hugs or warm smiles when I RP a DK, but I always hope for interactions that make sense in the setting.

As we have discussed earlier in this thread, DKs possess powerful abilities that can be quite useful when fighting ruthless enemies.
Thus it makes sense to me that DKs are accepted in fighting units, if only as a nasty “weapon” you wish you didn’t have to use.

In time, these DKs might prove to their allies that they are more than just nasty killing machines…


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