Deathwing (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

Akon paladin

Transferred off deathwing shortly after hitting 60, Looking for a warrior baernardo and a paladin haraldo.

Hit me up Moonballs#2963

• Tökk, Human priest .
• Sensibility, can’t recall if I joined Club before tbc or after.
• I see a couple of names i recall here :slight_smile:

Not sure if I go alliance this time, perhaps I go to the dark side…

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Thanks for reminding the existance of Jacinta.

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Long time no see Gadsby, congrats with your kid! :slight_smile:

Gnome/Human Warlock Xaphire here, also known as druid Yrozac.
Can’t really recall which guilds I’ve been in over the years, AoC was one of them tho.

Looking for Jacinta, Frown (priesty) and anyone else I played with.

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Informed Jacinta about this forum. See if he shows up here and reply.

Greetings all :slight_smile: Still on deathwing… still on Jac… Looking forward to 2 weeks time :slight_smile: Oh and


Battlenet :- Jacinta#2327


Radiist , human priest
Guilds: Ural Medvedz , Dragon claw , PUCCKUE
Fsamt , Mobilka , Vagrant , Eszhevika , Cratiy , Childy

Kypris Human Paladin

Guild: Guardians of Deathwing


Hey man, him and Xiaa still plays retail

Manre, Night Elf Druid
Guild: Anvil of Crom
This time playing Horde!

Hello. I played as Bormus/Borhmus, a human Paladin in The Claw. I begun playing in May of 2005 and stayed on Deathwing for several years. @Darker, I remember you and we played a lot together in AoC.

I remember Malva, Silifus, Imek, Silaqui, Clobber, Darker, Valarauco, Spawn/Frown, several people from Anvil of Crom, Ruslegion etc. Please get back to me if you remember me. I’ll play on a PvP server as Alliance, not sure which server though.

Edit: I remember Jacinta aswell.


Guild: Guardians of Deathwing/Club.

Kypriis, I got to come heal your a*s again, lol

Lot of names I remember starting to appear here. :slight_smile:

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Yoe, Night Elf Druid
Guild: Anvil of Crom

I will be playing with AoC in Vanilla.

Did you never play as Hera in vanilla?

Mullock, Human Mage.
Guilds: TBOM, The gods of war (maybe cant remember) and CLUB

I remember players such as Jacinta, luminous, Pretorian, Malak, Valinor, Hoduk, Kohrias, Lizzylock, Aznaroth, Greataxe, Borgio and many more.

I wish you guys the best!

Damm you Mullock… You said that word (you know what one)


On a different topic, who remembers Bloodwork the mats scammer and Deadlyzombie the westfall ganker… Oh happy days. So many old friends here already. Looking forward to playing with you again.

Haha, Deadlyzombie. I bloody love that guy. Imagine his patience. Ganking was all he did. Always in Ironforge.

Mahone - Night Elf Druid / Human Warrior

Guilds: Small Gods, Club and Anvil of Crom

I always tanked so I’m going to be playing a Warrior tank again in Classic. I didn’t start playing before TBC came out, but I remember at least some of the people who have written and whose names have been mentioned here :slight_smile:

I had completely forgotten about Deadlyzombie, but yeah, he definitely terrorized the low level zones back then… I think I once even joined Captain Jac’s group in killing him in Westfall. Or maybe it was some other Undead Rogue, can’t say for sure…
Oh, and Mullock, I always laughed whenever you ninjapulled in SSC and TK with a Pyro PoM Pyro combo and Kohrias got mad at you for doing it. Those were good times :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hoping to see some more familiar faces on the Alliance side on Shazzrah (or wherever AoC decides to start playing on :smiley: )


Oh my god you’re still alive!

I miss your drunken rants during raids <3

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