Hey Jag, long time no see man, like a decode and some years!
I was in Surge for like 1 ½ year, I even migrated with you to TM, when
all the queues started to irritate deathwing. I ended up migrating back
Anyhow, are you still connected with the other Surge guys, such as Splintlok,
Jainzar etc? I miss a lot of them. Even though they were a british friend mafia
(Dreamcatcher troll rogue)
Cassiz female ud rogue Sarus ud mage Eikahe tauren druid played in majis and farscape
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Well, i grew up for once, thief and i were 12-14 years old back in vanilla. I cant think we would have been remarkable, belonging to the young end of the guild by far. I only think 1 guy, Oliver was younger… and then you at around 17-18 if i remember correctly? I remember rizla as being a tauren male hunter, quite like bigboned. He never joined surge did he? i remember him from Danish Dynamite. Kapteinen were always up my ars%e explaining how powerful spellpower was, though i did not have the brain to comprehend that at the time. I am not really in contact with anyone but masterthief, but i would assume they are stuck on tarren mill, since we migrated there? didnt you aswell? I atleast can find both surge and ruse (which i know a lot of them joined later) still there.
Yeah that’s the one, Leto was the guild leader up until sometime in TBC. I still got him on facebook.
@angerfang, Delta was Mist’s main tank after the 1st one left, I think I know someone who knows him on FB
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Hello there Trivan,
So many years has gone since last time. I played with you guys alot throu Vanilla and TBC. I had a warrior named Kiba back then. We are a few from the old team Chutora, Frostbolt and some others migh join up when Classic comes around and it would be awsome to Catch up. what server are u guys planing on starting your journey?
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I use to raid with you guys as a warlock named Hanna in the early days of vanilla
Hi Kiba - we havent desided 100% on sever yet, but from what it looks I think it will be Firemaw PVP - and we will create a guild called Hegira Reborn (we think… hehe)
Pleace keep me up to date on that matter. I got such a kick of nostalgia and just happy. I would realy like to hang around in Hegira Reborn if theres a spot open. We made chars on Gehennas, but yea im open for change.
Hey there,
I was playing a rogue (that one) on DW in Vanilla. I was in a few pve guilds (Black Guard, Mist & Talent iirc, some of that might be after TM(?) transfers) but most time I’ve spent in BGs with my beloved Suicide Squad .
There’s Firemaw now as well.
Yo Surge, it’s slugys here, the MC raiding chart topping pvp fire mage.
Hey Jag, Mag and Dream, I remember all of you!
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Neuromancer here. I remember almost all of you and your guilds. Deathwing, my true home server <3
Might play as alliance on Golemagg but not 100% sure if I’ll have the time.
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Male Troll shaman in Dark Guard btw. Can’t edit posts here :o
Yeah I remember that you two were quite young back then. And nice memory, I was exactly 17 years old. Times truly flies. Now I have family and children of my own. Anyhow, I else was sure Rizla was a female troll hunter who used to be a lot on Sadhus pvp team along with me and tankar, tair etc. But my memory might not be as it used to be after all those years. Nah I don’t remember him/her joining Surge ever. I just checked Surge on TM and I lol’ed that the guild was actually still performing and I remember some of those guys still. Intense! Who would have known. But yeah man, Kapteinen was way before his time, he had already such a vast knowledge about the game and the mechanics. He was truly underrated as mage, I always saw him as one of the top 5 mages on the server regarding to pvp and skill understanding. And yeah, we migrated to TM all of surge. But after 2 months I missed Deathwing and me and Master went back to our home. I am in contact with Master and Bignoned again and we might be rolling on Shazzrah, you are welcome man.
didn’t play horde on deathwing, but played gnome mage named Pikkupummi
nice to see all the old enemies and friends
Damn Blaad, I forgot all about you dude! So nice to see you again man. And nice you still have your original toon still, epic.
And you are so truly correct, I was like 50/50 about toxica since I remember her and another female nightelf as hunter, both rank 14 players. Anyhow, I will change it in my post.
Anyhow, after I hit rank 13 on my rogue I turned my attention to my hunter Angerfang and I joined suicide Squad. I remember I played a lot with you with my hunter in AB but also some pugged teams with my rogue. You were great back then, hope to see you back again!
Which server are you rerolling on? Me and many guys from DW are going to play on Shazzrah.
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Hey Neuromancer, I truly remember Dark Guard. Wasn’t it a guild which had 2 different guilds, one for trials and another for hardcores? Maybe I remember wrong.
Anyhow, I remember you well, you were one of the shamans which I often saw in Ogrimmar. Glad to see you are coming back.
I know many old schools from original DW are rerolling on shazzrah. Hope to see you around!
Anvil og Crom, that is a guild I have forgotten all about. Dang man, that guild was my favourit world kills to hunt. Along was, was it RUS legion or how was it spelled? Anyhow, Pikkupummi, I remember so many times fighting you are having fun dancing with you at random places around the world. You were always such a friendly and cool guy. I forgot all about you, such a shame for me to carry, but I truly have a tons of memories flashing back to me about you.
Master, Bigboned and many old schools from deathwings are going to Shazzrah, how about you? Anyhow, I hope to kill your cute gnome soon again on my rogue dreamcatcher.
Cubalibre here. UD Male Mage
I remember alot of names from this post.
Had some good times in vanilla. Been in a few guilds over the years (from Phoenix to Precious).
Nice to see you all.