Deathwing (PvP) Horde Reconnections

If anyone from PDX (wotlk mainly) that remembers me want to add me, feel free.

I think I played with the names Flashi/Diesta/Klex

I won’t be playing classic right now, but might give it a go at some point. Would be cool to start in a place with a few familiar voices in that case :slight_smile:

GL guys, I will be going Gandling with some other friends, see you when they merge servers :wink:

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Master is sitting next to me Shiv. He remembers you very well. He said you and him often talked for hours in the warlock channel you and some warlocks made back in the day. He said you were very skilled. Anyhow, let me know if you want his battlenet?

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Can you give me details for Master and Shiv? We were in same guilds and dueled alot :slight_smile:

Is anyone still in contact with:

Troldepus (SoD/Die Trying/Hegira)
Bjorn (Hegira) Danish guy
Jormund (Hegira Danish as well)

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Uh interesting. Well now everything is pointed at Morgraine, many old schools from DW are there now with names etc. Come join us Blaad.

I checked the friendslist of Lokhaman, can’t find an alias named Blaad. You go under something else?

I remember them all, played a lot with Troldepus. Great guy, bjorn too!

Sadly I do not have contacts for them, but let me know if you find any on them.

I sent master a link for this forum, he will join in a sec he said :wink:

Well I know that Bjorn and Jormund work at a comic store in Copenhagen so if someone could just go there and ask them to login!

Oh sh!t I almost forgot: DARKSTRIDER and his wife HONNINGTYVEN. They need to come back as well.

I remmeber the fallouts on Ventrilo when Jormund died again on a MD pull.

If there are any people who raided with me in Hegira in Tempest Keep (TBC) who remembers Drakmon’s little brother harassing us at Ventrilo?? F#ck that was epic!

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Ok ok. Migraine it is. :kissing_heart:

PS. Changed in settings, I should be visible now.

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Awesome Blaad <3

Somehow I still cannot find you amongst Lokhamans friends, weird.
Whisper me on Dreamcatcher when you log into the world, then I
will sent you a friend request :smiley: 10 minutes left, ready?!

Good boiie :wink:

Well. Already took day off work tommorow, but I am not ready for nosebleeds from running WSG premade 18h a day for 4 weeks straight. :grinning:

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Damn, those were the days. I remember me and Sapa was sitting inside the flag room for bloody 20 hours a day killing Mashamoto the druid or what he was called. And sometimes Dalvat the rank 14 warlock would come and say hi and got 2 shotted. But yeah, let us wait a bit before we activate noseblood with wsg :stuck_out_tongue:

See you ingame soon, pm me there.

Haha “World server is down” :heart:


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Im inside now, but everything is lagging like crazy!

Hello everyone, Master here! Some familiar names in this thread for sure!

Already ingame on Morgraine horde… Exmaster warlock.

Join the fun!

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Hey cousin :wink: time to execute some boars!

Btw, is anyone aware if Malachai is playing or going to?

Magoola here, competing with Jainzar aka Jainy. Was Orc Rogue but also played up a hunter called ImStupid later Mag.