Decline, decline, decline

Finally got invited to a random +15 run, it was smooth until the 3rd boss, healer died during the boss fight and alt-f4 -ed :rofl: Im really unlucky…

Cause he wasn’t flurry. Meh.

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well, if you re horde i got a healer maybe you get into groups faster this way. (i dont have any of the keys though you re missing)

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/w me in game lets do mine key


You too :stuck_out_tongue:

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The best way to get the +15 all achiv for me was to only use my own keys and try stay at +15 on all the keys. I made my own group and wouldn’t take anyone below 2.3 raider io. And I just had to keep cycling through the same keys over and over but eventually the ones I needed come up and I wait in queue for aages and get the best people I can find, usually people with 2.9+ io

It’s the best way I find.

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shaman got community badge “Useless” and thus everyone is avoiding shamans.

Like its a class that doesn’t have strong points. Needless to say, doing +15 or even +25 is absolutely possible as sham.

Solution is to join a guild.

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Pretty much this. Sometimes it’s hard to even see everyone because you get like 10 people applying all at once. More DPS players need to pick up tank and healers so we can solve the problem ourselves.

Or they should make tank and healing more enjoyable to play.

boom. one down, one to go! :fire: :fire: :fire:


I feel your pain, I remember back in Legion I was really struggling as Shadow priest probably would even today aswell If I’d still play but I’m glad to see you found some nice people here on the forums to help you out! :relaxed:

Maybe you could try and join one of these discord M+ communities or a guild.

Thanks Furyeclipser for his 15 UR key!


My pleasure !
Was super easy with Schmusedecke healing.


Ah so he/she was the heal :smiley: Nice, thanks to you all. I hope i can get the Atal 15 as well soon :slight_smile:


This guy isn’t joking. He’s a Horde hero and always helps people out.

As you’re Horde I recommend joining Zen Horde, leave pugs behind.


yeah como was me. Schmusi is just my forum character. :slight_smile: hope you get your achievement done soon! if you need anything just hit me up.

well you are a great tank. you barely took any damage. :blush:

btw thanks for the trinket. im not quite sure if i thanked you for it. got a memory like a sieve. :unamused:

maybe i will pick up tanking after all, who knows. :smile:

your transmog looks even better in game too.

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I did my achievent earlier on season with DH tank/shaman healer combo, neither you see much around. :smiley: Oh and we had ret paladin, only mainstream thing in that group was probably me as UH dk.

I wish that people would just see larger picture beyond meta. Meta is all nice and all, but is not really important on 15.

And I do not know why decline a shaman dps, they are not that bad … although the problem with OP is also that they are melee and people want some OP melee like dh/rogues and dont want to stack more melees.

I would help OP to get their achievement, but again like someone above posted, I am not Horde :frowning:

edit : ah just noticed community did help :smiley: thats great to read. Don’t change people!


I’m getting declined for +15 keys when I have 483 item level and almost 3k score so requirements must definitely be high nowadays

Are you playing as an Enhancement Shaman? Surely you’d get invited first cos they’d not know that. Even if you aren’t Enh and actually Elemental, then that’s still strange.

Elemental is great! Isn’t it? Maybe you’re just having really bad luck? :frowning:

2 times i got asked the same question: “ele?”
I answered both times: “enhance”
Both conversation ended here, not got invited :smiley:

Started as elemental, but i struggled with its aoe, often the tanks keep moving with the mob packs, and i cant properly damage them if they are constantly moved out from my earthquakes. So i switched to enhance, and i can play with it much better.

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